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Sunday, February 17, 2008

Me from the Past

I once had an account that had the Beta hat.

But someone banned it! Stupid hackers.

The old name was: iSpeek

2 eating comments:

Anonymous said...

Hey Speek to me,

some cheat site called Bensassoon and Js54 emailed Club Penguin about cheat sites. They said they will ban any player who is using an actitvity called " Third Party Program". It means something about cheat sites. And they don't like it. Hope you don't get banned. Im sending this message to every cheat site I know for a warning.


Speek said...

Wow thanks for the warning tikihead 12

but this is not a cheat site.

It is just a site about party timez

and where the free itemz are and where the secret member itemz are.

Sometimez about friends and me.