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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

2008 review

During the past year we had many ups and downs. Lefts and Rights. Foward and back, side to side

Here the major events that I endured in the past year

January 2008 - The early year promised many possiblities to come.

February 2008 - Speek Site opened on Piczo.com with the help of Xtra Cold and my RMP buddies.

March 2008 - With Help from Pochoma I had gotten a site on Blogspot. Which is the site you see Today. During the month. Speek's 1st birthday had arrived. My RMP buddies sent Birthday cards. There were 10 birthday cards. They were from Panpap(2), Jaruna, Pochoma123, 456 Ed Daisydarr, Bestl8er, Rocketnuma, Joycin (2) and the Voted Winner was Lady Maryann!

April 2008 - Plans to give my sister a very good birthday had failed. The plan was to go on RMP with a record amount of members on her Birthday. We were 8 members short of the plan. Although i set up a secret party just for her 3 days after her birthday.

May 2008 - RMP posting of new images were getting slower and slower. Then RMP ended and many of the members went and made sites. Others so shakened by the death of RMP quited club penguin. With the oncome of more viewers I had reached 1,000 views. Lady Maryann and I began the advertisements for the amazing race contest. and Joycin123 had become a member for the first time. Along with my first Recording. iSpeek and Speeky (my betas) got unbanned. and Speek got taken out of safe chat.

June 2008 - My Birthday came into play in the middle of the month. I was hoping for birthday cards and presents. Most of which came as a card in an e-mail. I was satisified. In Late June I had started a contest for Commenting. It was the first of its kind. In the end there was 805 comments. Most of which came from Lacario and Pmac.

July 2008 - My first Buddy List video came. Along with the interview with Bike Boy93. iSpeek and Speeky got re-banned by hackers. Number of Posts began to drop quite suddlenly.

August 2008 - I left for Delaware in late August. By then my site was gettting about 1,000 views per week. By the end of the month I had almost 8,000 views. Then Lady Maryann mysteriously disapeared. Along with Jimy0123.

September 2008 - Jimy0123, Lady Maryann and I started a new site. Only to have 1 post it had over 15 comments and over 1,000 views. The hunt for the #1 Speek fan began. The results were. #3 Brad1072, #2 Ilionese #1 Lady Maryann.

October 2008 - I began drawing global warming effects on cp areas. Areas suck as the Cove, Ice berg and Beach. Each area was inadated with water waist deep for my penguin. Some images protrade that the flooding was due to the mountain snow tops melting and flowing as a river, into the area of the image and then out to sea. These images are almost exactly what Al Gore thinks What is happening as a result of Global Warming. By the end of the year Halloween rang out in a storm. I started as a joke to be a vampire. Then I began an army of the Vampires. With almost 30 penguins. Other people started armies of their own. Like I did. Spoil Pink began the dragons. Leclercian began ghouls and ghost army with Lacario. Along with 10,000 hits October was very memoriable.

November 2008 - The Vampire Army began getting more then less. Untill it died. November was mostly quiet.

December 2008 - The start with Speek Lottery was very big but along with being the only huge thrill of the season.



Out of the total 2643 comments this site had. Here are the winners!

Notice: My natural Commenting helped me win 6 months. March - May. September to November.
I have decided not to give an award to my self. So i am giving it to the runner up.

Febrary - Jimy0123 33 comments

March - Speek 28. Runner Up - Lady Maryann 20

April - Speek 43. Runner Up - Jimy0123 - 33

May - Speek -38 Runner Up - Lady Maryann 20

June - Lacario - 464

July - Jimy0123 - 92

August - Pen Flippy - 170

September - Speek 37 Runner up - Jimy0123 - 6

October - Speek 46 Runner up - Canary4 - 35

November - Speek 24 Runner up - Canary4 - 13

December Illionese - 110

The over all Top Commenter Award Goes to: Lacario - 507 comments.

He will get his Free Membership whenever he wants.

Comment here to find out your Year worth of comment amount!


Tuesday, December 30, 2008

January Events

Here are the Events for this site for January 2009!!!!!!!!

December 31st: Speek Site awards

January 1st: New Years Party!

Time: 5pm cptz
Server: Fjord
Place: Where ever

January 2nd: Speek Lottery Results for Event 4

Speek Lottery Event 5 begins

January 4th: A&N news! episode 1. See it on youtube!

January 5th: Winter break ends School begins (awww...:(

Janary 8th: Speek Lottery Event 5 results

Speek Lottery Event 6 begins

Janaury 11th: A%N news! Episode 2. See it on YOUTUBE!!!

January 15th: Speek Lottery Event 6 results

Speek Lottery Event 7 begins

January 18th: A&N news! Episode 3! See it on YOUTUBE! If u dare.....

January 23rd: Speek Lottery Event 7 results

Speek Lottery Event 8 begins.

January 25th: A&N news! Episode 4! See it on Youtube! (its going to be special!)

January 29th: Speek Lottery Event 8 results

Speek Lottery Event 9 begins.

Speek Buddy List Video will be made!

Those are the Events!

And We expecting a new member of this site for some time in January!

Please comment if you a question of if u wanna cool!


A new Year Means many opportunities in upcomming contests!

Don't miss out!

Commenting is crutial (crew - shul) for a free membership next year!

So COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!


Today is the final day of commenting.

I will be counting tonight and into tomorrow so type your last comments here!

Good luck!!!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Speek Lottery Results and more

After a week of voting for Speek's Lottery 1st Triple Play the results are in.


1 out of 3 (1,000 coins): Club Penguin Wave, SupDudes35, Canary4 and TrpiclQween1

2 out of 3 (1,500 coins): Bob2 and Illionese

3 out of 3 (3,000 coins): none

The winning numbers were: 3 5 7

Speek Lottery Details for Round 4:

Number Range: 1 - 15
Winning Numbers: 2
Daily Double: YES!!!!!!!!!!!
Triple Play: WE JUST HAD ONE! NO!

1 of 2: 2,500 coins

2 of 2: 5,000 coins

You can vote on this post!

Results will be January 2nd.

***Comming events!***

December 26th: Kwanza Party

December 29th: Speek Friends List Video

December 30 - 31st: Speek awards.

January 1st: New Years party.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Christmas Party!

You better not Shout you better cry because I'm Telling you why. Speek is comming to town!



Here are the deatails for the party!

Server: Fjord
Place: Dock
Time: 5pm cptz
Date: December 24th and 25th
Dress: Red and Green

I hope to see you there!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Summer, Winter Party results and more

The Summer Winter party totaled with 9 people

Canary4, Cg7mv7, Chuckleloo, Flower17702, Girl202020, Lacario, Pringle 64, Speek, Superdude35

here is a picture at the height of the party!

Oh do not forget we do have a Hannakah party!

here are the deatils:

Server: Fjord
Place: Dock
Time: 4pm cptz
Dress: Blue and White
Date: December 22nd

I hope to see you there

Happy holidays

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Summer, Winter Party!

As you Winter is comming soon for the Northern Hemisphere.

And Summer is Comming soon for the Southern Hemisphere.

Where I live Winter has impacted me with 7.6 inches of snow and there is still 4 more inches to come.

Anyway I plan to pull the 2 seasons together into a single party on Sunday

Here are the details:

Server: Fjord
Place: dock
Time: 4:30 pm cptz
Date: December 21st
Dress: North: Blue and white
South: Yellow, Orange and Red.

North - Northern Hemisphere. (USA, England, Russia, China, India, Mexico, Canada...etc)

South - Southern Hemisphere. (Brazil, Idonensia, Austrailia, Antartica, New Zeland, Philipeans... etc)

Consults this map for more.

click to enlarge

North - I'm cold! Turn up the heat!

South - It's too hot! Someone turn on the AC!


Friday, December 19, 2008

Speek Lottery event 3

Hello Young Speek Lottery voters!

I proud to annouce the details for Speek Lottery Event 3!

Here they are:

Number Range: 1 - 10
Winning Numbers: 3
Amount of gueses: 3
Daily Double: none
Triple Play: YES!!!!
Jakpot: 3,000 coins

Here is how Triple play will work:

Each voter gets 3 votes. If 1 vote contains 1 of the winning number then you will get a 3rd of the prize.

Futher more:

1 right: 1,000 coins
2 right: 1,500 coins
3 right: 3,000 coins

That's how it works!

If there are any questions please ask on a different post because i cannot look at the comments untill December 25th!

Oh and the results come December 25th.

I will see you on the 22nd at me party.


Thursday, December 18, 2008

Lottery resluts and more

Here are the updates on past and present events!

1. Speek's Lottery Contest results

It's been long and hard reframing my self from looking at your votes.

Espically with 53 of them.

It turns out most of them were from Leclercian. LOL!:D

Anyway The winning Lottery number is......... 5!

That means Dogs43 winns 10,000 coins! Great Job.

I will need your password so i can earn you your winnings.

It could take 5 - 10 days though!

Anyway e-mail me your cp name and password to adamlurie@verizon.net

2. Commenting Contest turn out

So far out of the 3 commenting contests.

This is the 3rd!

Here are the other ones!

1. June 2008 - 815 comments - winner: Lacario - 454 comments
2. August 2008 - 303 comments - winner: Pen Flippy - 170 comments
3. NEW!!!! December 2008 - 250 comments so far - Winner so far: Illonese - 105 comments

3. Feagle Day Party (a Canary4 Holiday)

Here are the deatails for this Canary4 Holiday

Server: Fjord
Time: 4pm cptz
Place: Dock
Date: December 19th
Dress: Yellow and gold and bring a puffle

This is pretty much all of the events that have happened and comming.

Oh and keep commenting the contest ends on December 31st!

Good Luck!


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Commenting contest

If you have read the title of this post you would know what it is about!

If you have not then look!!! :D

Anyway, I have been working hard for about 8 - 10 hours on a project for use guys!

Do you wanna know wat it is?


(that was retoricle by the way) (retoricle - a question that is not to be answered)

I snuck a little bit of 11th grade vocabulary in there. lol!

Anyway Just to be short and brief.

I was counting up the commnets and together so far from February 2008 - December 2008 we have 2,321 comments here!

It still is a lot but most of them came from one person.

So i want to give you all a chance to get your amount up before the Awards come on December 31st 2008!

The number to beat for December is 57 - Illionese

And the over all number to beat is 494 - Lacario

You may begin your commenting on this post!

P.S. I can tell you how many comments you have do not be afraid to ask!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Speek Lottery event 2

These are the deatails for Event 2!


Number range: 1 - 10
Number of guesses: 1
Daily Double: None
Triple Play: none

Jakpot amount: 10,000 coins!

The results will come on December 18th.

I will not look at the votes untill I write my post on December 18th.

Speek lottery results

Over the past week i have recived over 15 votes for the lottery.

Unfortunately i have looked at the comments. I say this because I do not want you thinking that i choose the winner.

The winner choose the number.

I will not look at the votes untill I make the post when the week is over.

I hope you understand that I did not choose the winner. The winner choose the number.


The winning number is.....(Drumroll)......: 7!!!

That means Leclercian wins 5,000 coins!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Speek's Lottery event 1

This the first of what may be many lotteries.

The results for this will be on December 12th.

Here are the deatails:

Number Range: 1 - 10
Number of guesses: 1
Daily double: none
Triple play: none

Jakpot: 5,000 coins.

you may begin guessing.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Speek Lottery instructions

Section 1 choosing

Basic rules:

Penguins are allowed to choose 1 number from 1 - 10

Special Events:

Daily Double: Penguins are allowed to choose 2 numbers from 1 - 50

Triple Play: Penguins are allowed to choose 3 numbers from 1 - 100

Section 2 Winning

When a player wins they are awarded the total amount in the jackpot.

Jakpot - amount that can be one.

When the player wins they must tell me their penguin name and password so they can collect their winnings.

Send your name and password to: adamlurie@verizon.net

Section 3 Jakpot

When the amount is not won then it is added to the next round of voting and winning.

For instance, If no one wins 10,000 coins then it is put in the next round and is added to the jakpot.

Section 4 Tie

If each penguin has gotten the same number and won.

Then each penguin is allowed to do 1 of 2 things

1. fight each other for the total prize amount in a contest funny pictures, movie, commenting etc.

2. cut winnings in half.

Each person has to agree on the choice.

The stays to same for all ties 2 and higher.

Those are the rules.

If you have any questions please ask in a comment.