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Saturday, May 31, 2008


My first actually move that is not over 10 minutes like my other ones!!!

here it is:

2,000 hits party

yay! i reached 2,000 hits. There will be a party sometime later today or Tomorrow yay!

but its up to you!

We are gonna party like its 1999 hits! lol!!!

I mean 1999 at New Years, under a bed with a pile of chipmucks to your right. A Laptop infront of you. And Squrells on your left.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Speek Tv Episode 1

I am trying to put it on youtube it will be there eventually.I cannot but on here because it takes too long


I plan to have a huge party 2000 hits will be comming soon.

but this time its up to you. When? Where? what Server? What Place?

i hope that lots of people come because without you i wouldn't be where i am now. Thank you!

Most famous penguin!

I just found out! that my old friend Fever, is now the most famous penguin in all of club penguin!

His site has 8,385,077 hits!!!

I knew him before he was famous. I was friends from March 2007 - August 2007.

I guess its great the Fever was my friend before he was famous. Although I've been deleted off his friends list during August 2007 and i did not know how to take a picture of him.

But his list got full and he wanted to add someone but now i forgot. Probably someone more famous than him at the time.


I have recieved the gift. It is a red mining hat. Now they have given out 3. 1 free item (orange), 1 member one (Yellow) and a gift (Red).

For the red one when you dance your mining thing (forgot the name :P) is red. It must be for construction to help club penguin!!!

cool huh?

tell me what you think of it


Hey my fellow penguin's

if you have noticed no one got their CPIP rare item gift yet. Please do not go crazy. I read the blog post on cpip very cafeully and I foud that it wont be today but it will be May 31st.

I hope my prediction is right.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

50th post for the month

This might be my second to last post on my site for this month.

Also this is my 50th post. I was a little behind normal because i gotten no request for my plan in the beginning of the month.

Remember the beginning?

i deticated this hhole month to all my fans but still no one requested anything so i decided to take the idea away.

But hopefully June there will be more hope.

During June most events will be up to you!

with many new things.

including a poll which i will make for the whole month. But i can't tell you yet.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


hello all penguins that is black with white feather's and ones that is White with Black feather's

I have found out from Billybob that there will be a thank you gift to all attenders of CPIP this Friday. Meaning May 30th

I wonder what it is.

Is it a beta hat with different colors or something that will be brought back.

If it is something brought back we know who to blame.

P.S. I hope you comment

Lets see here

Hey its me Speek!!!

I have been thinking on what to do for June and then i thought. I came out with an idea!

I will be having many contest 1 every week for all of summer. There will be various prizes. Some small and some big

Small prizes consists of
1. 5,000 - 50,000 coins
2. A party just for Someone

Big prizes consists of
1. Becoming part of my blog
2. Being sceen on youtube!
3. 500,000 coins or more

Then i thought hard to see if this were to work. I thought and I thought untill i found no flaws. I will try not to have the same winner for mutiple weeks in a row

And i will try to think of new prizes every week. Some maybe redone if requested.

Finally i will make a picture that the winner can put on their blog or something else saying that they one.

Along with their player card at the side of the screen.

Also please comment for ideas for a contest prize or a contest in general.

Please comment i really want to hear from you!

Lets see here

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Membership race!

Lady Maryann and I are holding a race to earn a 1 month membership. For free!

here is the website please click on it

it is also known as How BadlY Do You Want It

it is comming very soon

My findings

Hey penguins
I decided to help my good friend Joanna77777 in her search for odd club penguin findings.

1. Mistery at the dock!
First of all at the dock on the map there is this squigly line like thing with snow on it. Is it that box that has never been picked up at the dock. Its just laying there on the floor.

2. The town

Then supposivly where the town is. There are 6 buildings. When there are only 3 places to go, the coffee shop, nightclub and gift shop. Maybe those buildings are just there for the future.

3. Dojo?

The people of club penguin claimed that the dojo is at the highest point of all of club penguin. While towards the left there are these 3 larger mountains.

4. Missing Giftshop.

I also have noticed that club penguin might have gotten lazy and forgotten the giftshop but why?

5. Closed in light house lights?
At the beacon the map protrays that the beacon its self is closed up with glass. While being there, there is no glass at all. Maybe club penguin might have became stingy and forgot on purpose or just does not want to do it.

6. Rockhopper's impossible geographical desiegn portrated on the map makes seam almost impossible to land where he lands.

According to the map. Rockhopper would have to climb out of the boat and tug his ship to shore will at the beach the ship is resting on water. It is very wierd!

On to room misteries

1. Gift shop!

lets see here first of all. None of these items actually came out yet. may in the future but not today. Second if you can see there are different colored eggs just 4 boxes for eggs. Easter is over CP!!! Maybe they are for sale. Finally if u really really closely there are book shelfs fullied with books! Is it an out door libray?
i dont know!

2. Pet shop

There were a few things wrong with room. First the parrot from the bird cage is missing. And now 1 knows where it is! 2. Where you go to play puffle round up it says it is an exit while it is a game to play. third, Where you leave to go to play puffle round up it says on the door Employees only! Does that mean that we are all employees or are we just not alloud to go in altogther.

3. Night lounge

Finally at the night longe there is a curtain. What could possibly be behind it? A new room? A monster? What? And also there are these two big Tvs with these big speakers but they are never on! Were they ever used? maybe during the Sports Party but i was not there for it.
You may answer all of these questions if you want i guess by this poin there is no right or wrong answers.
Also if you are going to answer the questions also write down the question 2 in the comment. of your answering

June Agenda

Hey guys, I decided to make a plan for June.

Ready? Here it comes!

June 1st: Fetured Penguin, Fetured Event, Penguin of the week, Penguin of the Month and a contest and serpate polls from all contributures

June 6th - 8th: Color war!!!! (Possible)

June 15th: Party for Father's day and my 14th Birthday!!!

June ????: Summer party begins, rockhopper comes.

June 23rd - August 8th: I have camp so i wont be on as much.

And many more contest and many more parties

Also all contributures please only use the admin accesses that i will give you. only for Polls.

Please make a seperate poll and set it up. I will put it where i want it.

Anything else beside polls please make sure it will be accepted by me. otherwise i will revoke all of your admin privillages.

You wanna be on Pmac T.V?

Hey! You wanna be on Pmac T.V? Well soon I will plan a Pmac T.V. party for everyone! Some time in the next few days I will post it on my site, ( mackinpenguin.blogspot.com) and I will post it here as well. But I havent figured out when im gonna have it yet. But keep checking back! Waddle On!



Monday, May 26, 2008

Summer is comming

Get ready! Summer is comming!!!! And this summer, Speek to ME cheats and gliches will give YOU everything you want.


fetured penguin
fetured event
Funny pictures
Lots of parties

and many more big summer blasts!

This summer's agenda will come out on June 1st!

Get ready for a new kind of way to enjoy summer. The right way

bye! Enjoy summer the right way; the Speek way.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

My party

Hey everyone! I'm pretty sure that you read Lady Maryann's great post that pretty much summed up the party! Also i have a couple pictures. I tried to take a video but it turns out i wasn't recording!!!!! I am mad at my self and very sorry for u guys. Luckly Lady Maryann. Summed up the whole party to the greatest extend. Thank you Lady Maryann. I am sorry but there is no video.

i am very very very sorry.


There wasn't a single famous penguin in sight,
not a throng of 100 penguins...


We were only 12 at most but it was not really about quantity; it was more about quality. I enjoyed meeting Speek's guests. ;-) I think meeting 7 people that I can actually have fun with is wayyyy better than 100 people who will only ignore me.

Here's a few pics that I took. I am sure Speek will provide more. PLUS a video! Wahoo! ;-)

Click Image to Enlarge

We went Line Dancing at Husky-Dock around 730pm cptz. Then went Igloo Hopping from Speek's to Pengineeta's to Rockoina's and finally to my very small igloo ;-) We swam on my Koi Pond then finally played Speek's Color Game. It was fun! Rockoina was the Over-all Winner. Chuckleloo was able to join in the fun! Yay! ;-)

The party wrapped up after 1.5 HOURS! It definitely wasn't a quickie! ;-) I sure won't miss next Speek's Party! ;-)

i rock your socks! ~lady maryann blogging for Speek to ME~

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Party Update

hey penguins, The party has been reschulded

Server: Husky
Place: Dock
Time: 7:30 pm cptz

Penguins comming: Speek, joycin123 and Joycin 123

we all hope to see you.

Big Parties

I've been having big parties all day long on Speek here is one with Rocketnuma:

Here is one with Pmac
be on the look for Speek

Be on the Look out for Speek

Be on the look out for Speek. he is known to hang around Frozen, Mamoth and many other places

He usaully does party. Be on look because he is usaully recording. for Speek Tv.

Iqloo contest

I have choosen the winner but not the winner for Second or Third

Please send ur name and password with a picture of ur iqloo to adamlurie@verizon.net

please get them in we are far behind sechudule

the winner also is


and here is his iqloo
He will recieve his grand prize of 100,000 coins when i get 2 more iqloos.
unless i find a better iqloo this is the winner
allright cya

I had a huge party

I had a huge party just for Speek. It was awesome. Pochoma was there same with Joycin and Moontime

here is a picture
it was great

Meet speek

I am pretty sure the most of you want to meet Speek. My first club penguin Penguin. either i will be having a party or u can make a time yourself. Please leave a comment. this is wat it must look like.

I want to meet Speek

Name: Vital Viper
Flag: American
Server: Husky
Place: the Dock

All right you dont need to do exactly that. but it must include ur name, flag, server, place, and time

dont forget the time


Speek is hoping to meet you!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Good newz


Its great speek will now come out of hidding and talk to all!

Plz welcome Speek as the new Joycin123!

but I still will go on Joycin123 more because he is a member.

Speek and i hope to see you soon



My party will be on Saturday at 4pm cptz at the Dock i hope some people come

Another old item that was brought back

The legendary Wizard hat. Orginally given out in October of 2007 for Halloween. Is now at the Lighthouse on the table. Disney not only brought that back but there is another scret item of a member funiture item brought out sometime in 2005 or 2006.

It sorta sickens me but i will live

tell me wat u think

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


ok I've decided to make the party for

1000 hits for Club penguin Society
1400 hits for Speek to ME (thats me)
3000 hits for Lady Maryann

I've decided around 4pm cptz

Now here is the fun part

decided What day and Where to start by commenting bellow.

Please comment because every idea counts

But plze try to make the day between Friday through Monday

Otherswise i can't make it

Ready? Go!

Start ur comment!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Did you know that the Igloo contest ends today?

My iqloo contest ended today. please PM me

e-mail me at adamlurie@verizon.net

I am extending the contest for one more day

because i plan to end it before Club Penguin iqloo contest comes out.

Prizes conists of

1st 100,000 coins

2nd 50,000 coins

3rd 10,000 coins

plz send them in to adamlurie@verizon.net

with ur iqloo and ur password so i can get ur penguin money if it wins

also there will be 5,000 coins reward just for entering unless of course u won.

plz get them because i want u people to get rich and win the contest for club penguin.

My new iqloo

and now here it is
like it?

Monday, May 19, 2008

I'm changing my iqloo

I have became bord with my iqloo. Therefore im gonna change it. here is your last look. I plan to make it more eciting ( Possibly an all tv iqloo

Sunday, May 18, 2008


I am thinking of having a party for a mutiple about of people

1,000 hits (Club penguin Society) (Did not happen yet) (22 hits away)
1,300 hits! (Speek) (Me)
3,000 hits (Lady Maryann) (WOW SHE IMPROVED BY A LOT!) (Did not happen yet) (2 htis away)

Remember the time i posted this was 6:38 cptz time

the party will be up to u!

look at a post and I may approve apon it!

Pmacs Hide and Seek Marothon!

Hey! If anyone doesnt know already, im one of the new editors for this site. ( Pmac) But later today I was gonna have a hide and seek marathon! For a chance to be an author for my site! But you dont have to play to win. You could just play for fun! Anyway here is the invitaion above! Come to my site for more details! ( http://mackinpenguin.blogspot.com/) Waddle On!


Friday, May 16, 2008

Lady Maryann award

Hey Lady Maryann and the rest. I have made Lady Maryann an award for the second most voted site in my poll. This is the first time i did something like this and a stayed up late making this hope u like it!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Lady Maryann's choosen prize!

Lady Maryann decided to for me to get her penguin i rock u 598 $100,000

i will do it on a day when u least expect maybe tonight maybe tomorrow be on the edge Lady Maryann and keep checking!

Here is the entire PM she sent me:

Date Sent: 05/14/08 - 08:25:38

Speek to ME wrote: hey Lady Maryann its time for u to decide ur choosen prize.

Plz PM me back with what u want. And i will post it.

wow! thanks speek! hmmm can you give my new penguin "i rock u 598" BIG BUCKS?

like 100,000 coins? if that is now possible, anything would be ok. thanks speek!

Also the contest for the iqloo here is what will happen

May 20th: Contest ends

May 21st: Contest winner's announced on blog

May 22nd: Money given out day

May 23rd: new iqloo furntiture comes out and club penguin's iqloo contest begins.

With only a grand prize of 10,000 coins

while i am offer 100,000 coins.

Does this seem fair to u?

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Party Sneek Peek

this is a super party sneek peek hope u like it!


I've made a contest which in my oponion is slightly better than club penguin's. In my oponion.

Anyway this is for the best iqloo!

There will not any poll on this one

i will not radimly choose the iqloo

i am choosing the best one in my opinoin. And this will not be over friend ship

Here are the prizes

First 100,000 coins

Second 50,000 coins

3rd 10,000 coins

All i need is ur picture, name, password and sent it all to:


for more infomation plz post a comment.

New iqloo

im changing my iqloo to match the party theme. Take one last look because Wednesday i will change it as soon as all my home work is done

here is it now:

I was is was sick!

i was sick for the past 3 days. So i haven't fixed my blog. I will return with my new polls later today. Untill then enjoy.

Sunday, May 11, 2008


I've just recived this from http://flippers7.com/

Club Penguin New Features are coming in June! Do you also remember what else is coming in June? Well it’s NINJA’S! They even said they will be coming in June, and that is one of the New Features! Also a Player Card Update, and now Ninjas! We still get our Free Gift for testing! May-June is a very exciting month! We can’t wait

give credit to Filppers7 and Icey1450 for finding this

Saturday, May 10, 2008

I'm a member

Today i become a member if u can u see my member iqloo, Remember to thank Pmac! For this


Thank you Pmac!

Friday, May 9, 2008

added to the Blogroll

New to the blogroll:

Club penguin errors site!


Lets u see all ur errors on cp

The way how to do this is

1. click on the site

2. right click

3. press play

4. sit back and get ready for a ride!

thats all

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Good News!

Hooray! Whoo! Hoo! Yes! Yay! Alright! Party like a rock! Party like a rock star! Ok that is all

Just kidding!

My good newz is that will be a member as soon as Pmac e-mails me the info!

And I've decided for a short contest to ask you! Wat i should get!

plz post a comment on wat u think i should buy first!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

My very first advestizment

This is my first adverstiment picture for my site you could post it on urs!

What has Disney done to CP?

There has been major changes to Club penguin and now i believe that Disney has been the reason for it. Do you remember all of these really old items that seemed imposibble to get. Like the Red propeler hat, the red and blue sun glasses. Well i believe that Disney is trying to bring back the old items so everyone is leveled! Let me ask you is that really fair for all my old friends and me! No its not! But there are many items that i have dreamed of getting so i guess it is fair.

I belive that possibly this 3rd anniversary party will have the beta hat. As its free item!

I belive that they will bring back that Hawiian Lea that has pink, red and yellow that one! That might be brought back in the Summer party

I believe that the yellow ducky, orange ducky wings might also come in the summer party.

I believe that the pink bunny ears will be brought back in April of '09!

Items already brought back

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Party climax!

my party was nolonger a failor when as much of 8 friends were on at the same time

there was (Alphibeticly)

Joycin, Panpap, Penguineeta, Spoil Pink, Stormy 2006(ex girlfriend) there were much more but i can't remember them

oh and i have some pictures that i will post tomorrow

Finally there has been a finding today! In my backyard (at home). As we all know that there has been a storm a couple weeks ago and today we have found somethings. In my backyard i have a forest and in that forest a lighting strike hit a tall tree. The tree fell down where it was hit onto a huge massive branch. Thus hitting one tree and causing it to fall and topple down another tree. But around the recege was a bunny rabit's bottom part of the body. Then 18 paces South West. I've found the head of a bunny! And along that track was possible owl fethers.


where do u think the middle part of the bunny went?


Also at first i thought there was a fox that came and scared away an owl and then seen a bunny roughed it up and then the head and the bottom went flying in different dirrections. Then the fox ran away

but wat ever you think is good too! Let me

this will be a contest

Prizes will include being a contributer to my blog and other prizes for intellengce and clever ness.

Party failor

My party is a failor just to let u all know. Only 1 person came and thats Spoil Pink thank you Spoil. More people might come and I'll give u the final list on Monday

Also Pochoma won third place friend. He has earned a party this friday! yay! unless im busy

great job and I'll see you all later

Come to the Super Party

Come to the Super Party. It is at the dock on Ice box don't make this one be a failor

Speek is banned!

My penguin Speek is banned! For 72 hours. Just to let u know. Any way Speek was going to make an apprence during the party but now he can't so sorry. P.S. Speek is the account that is the beta tester so sorry. I guess i got hacked.

here is the image
also Rockhopper is at Sherbet but he might be leaving soon so get him
Last saw 6:08 pm est


Today I have a fight with my parents and they are not letting me on cp. I told them I have a party today and i will have to make it up to them. If I'm not on cp then that means that I have not been good enough and the computer is off and locked. If we don't have a party today then we will have to try again a different day. Sorry for the long wait for the party.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

famous penguins part 1

i have made a list of Famous and old penguins more famous people may become my friend but this is wat I have now! just remember this is part 1 and there will be a part 2 soon

Adjustmen needed

I've just learned from my parents that i will be leaving at 4pm cptz time for me that would be 7:00 pm and i have to prepare to go for a dinner for my 84 year grandfather's birthday! I'm not that happy

so i will have to find another day for the party i think that Sunday might just work

oh well

This just in!

Wwe Adam is going to have a party at the same day as me and at the same place and at the same time!!! wats gonna happen!

should i change the date or should we postphone the party and then party with Wwe Adam at frozen?

its up to you

so comment to help!

Last reminder

for May I still will do posts but you can also request posts, polls and other stuff.

Anyway it is today's last call for the party


Server: Ice box
Place: Dock
Time: 4pm cptz - 4:15 pm cptz

party is for

200 hits (Txmb95ads)
400 hits (Jaruna)
500 hits (Ldspiky)
600 hits (Club penguin society)
900 hits (Speek)
1,000 hits(Speek)
1,111 hits (Speek)
1,000 hits (Acww575)
1,000 hits (Lady Mayann)
2,000 hits (Lady Maryann
2,000 hits (Panpap)
5,000 hits (Pmac)
1,500 PM's (Speek)
Earth Day

I know that there are lots of reasons now.

perhaps too many but i don't really care

I'll see you all tonight!

wait to party till you drop

Friday, May 2, 2008

New catolog

As i noticed at the new catolog not only are there secret items but there's a secret mesage. It is at the back and it has something to do with the party

All you have to do is pull down the coins thingy in the back and you'll find it

here are some pictures:

This is a post

hello my fans that are here.

First thank you for helping me achieve 1,000 hits.

Now it is time for your turn.

Just comment here on what you want me to do for the posts, polls and videos and much, much more.

Also i will add your name to the thing that you wanted.

And also it is up to you if this could be a contest for who ever requests the most. starting from today to May 31st ok?

Just comment thanks bye!