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Friday, February 27, 2009



1. Rockhopper
2. White Puffle
3. Pin!
4. Things to look forward too.
5. Fake Betas


Rockhopper is back from a long out at sea. He has brought back an old background that came out during April 2007. I already had it so i was disapointed.

3 Items have been brought back. Can you choose the correct 3?

***White Puffle Prediction***

White Puffles are now in Club Penguin. Its hard to tell when and where they will show up next. But thanks to an e-mail from Billybob and Fever. White puffles will pop up sometime next week.


The new pin is a Puffle O! It is at the Ice berg!

Here is my montage.

***Speek Site***

We will be giving away a free penguin.

We will be celebrating Speek's 2nd birthday! I hope you all have crads ready

We will be having a membership contest. Voting on which birthday cards are best.


There is a new hacking device. It unlocks rare items. Like beta hats.

Here are some images of the hackers

If you find one please do not become friends with them because they Can and Will Hack you. When you are hacked you will most likely be banned, loose money or buy things you don't need.

Anyway I hope to see you at our next event.

From Official Blog owner Speek.

New Pin and News On Rockhopper & The Migrator

New Pin! It's at the iceburg. The O-Berry. It seems as though everything is puffle related, even though the puffle party is over. Hmmm...

Rockhopper's items. Click inside of the circle to get the free item on CP. It's the porthole, and in my humble opinion, I like it a lot.

Rockhopper's a member?! I haven't known this. Rockhopper brings Yarr with him now. Is this just because the puffle party was going on? Is he bringing Yarr out to make new friends? And has anyone ever seen Yarr dance? Maybe he dances differently than other red puffles.


Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I have been learning about 3d Graphing and look at my pictures:

These are very simple design's

The backgrouds are choosen from a selection.

The planets are just circles clored

Ask if you want to see anymore! :P


March Agenda

Here is the agenda for this week.

23-27: everyone has school so no events.

28th: Prizes for the commenting contest will be given out. New friends list video.

March 1st - 7th: Commenting contest for a free account.

March 2nd: A new video of the free account on youtube.

March 8th: Winner gets penguin for a month!

March 8 - 14: National Speek Party week!

March 15th - 21st: Spring fair at Speek Site

March 17th: St. Patricks Day party

March 22nd - 28th: New member contest.

March 29th: New friends List video

March 30th - April 2nd: April fools day party.

I hope you all can make it!


Monday, February 23, 2009

Possible Puffle Look-Alikes?

Humzies... I'm not sure if this is possible... then again, my imagionation is pretty far-fetched.

I love this hot pink puffle. This is the one that I would buy. Probably cuz it took me forever to make!


More new pufles

Club penguin has made a puffle video for the party.

At the end there is a picture.

that looks like this.

Each word is a puffle color.

The first 7 letters are puffles that you can adopt

The last 4 could new puffles comming


Sunday, February 22, 2009

Membership Results

The results are in! After 7 days of commenting the old record of 815 comments has been broken. By a new record of 882 comments!

The results:

1. Artic - 441 comments
2. Blue - 241 comments
3. Bb Polo - 121 comments
4. Leclercian - 50 comments
5. Sabermonkey - 31 comments
6. Milly Willy - 15 comments
7. Dmaster - 9 commnets
8. Xtra Cold - 1 comment

Non member winners:

1. Artic - 3 month membership
2. Blue penguin - Member of my site (finished!)
3. Bb Polo - Certificate

Member winners:

There were any members competting.

If there are please comment bellow to get your prize.

All commenters gets a certificate of beating the record 815 comments.

Awards will be given out at the end of the month.


Im back!

Here is my vacation

Day 1 (February 14th Saturday)

My family and I left for Florida at 10:30 am est. We waited around for plane. During our wait i pizza (very good;) and we watched a plain take off from the observation deck. By 11:30 we left on our plane heading for Sunny Florida. The plain ride was about 2 hours and 30 minutes. We arived at 3pm est. Our grand parents took us home. My dad and I played Tennis I won 5 - 4. Then my sister and i went swimming and ended and then went to sleep at home.

Day 2 (February 15th Sunday)

We relaxed at my grandparents pool. We stayed in for 2 hours and 30 minutes. I was a raison. LOL!

Day 3 (February 16th Monday)

I had to get up early to go to Tennis, which was at 9:30 am est (Note: I wake up at around 8:30 am). I had a tennis lesson from the a pro named Mark. He sounded Like Borat!

Top 3 Tennis pro quotes (remember he talks like borat.)

1. "Nice Shot, high five!"
2. "Hit the ball!"
3. "Ready, 1, 2, 3!"

Day 4 (February 17, Tuesday)

We went to Tennis again at 10:30! :D

by 7:30pm I went to an ice hockey game with my dad and my grandpa.

Teams: Florida Panthers VS. New Jersey Devils.

Florida won 4-0! YES!

The national athem was sung by the South Florida Elementry school.

My Quotes during the game.

1. "For some reason I think I can beat those trained proffesionals.(game begins) WOAH! Those guys must the best hockey players ever! My dream died before it begun!"

2. "Even though this is real life, I still think HD has better deffinition."

Day 4 (February 18th, Wednesday)

My family and I left to go my friends house. Who played club penguin back in the beta days. His penguin was Xtrain but like all betas his penguin was banned. After I played Basket ball against him.

1st game: I won 21 - 18 (We played up to 21)

2nd game: He won 20 - 21

3rd game: I won 21 - 11 (I killed him.)

At night I fell asleep on the couch.

Day 5 (February 19th, Thursday)

My dad, sister and I left for the Beach at 8am. We arrived by 11:30am at Daytonoa Beach. 30 miles of beach. The tide was comming in as i made my moat for my hole. One huge wave came and nocked down the 10 inches thick sand wall I constructed. After which we came back home and went to the pool. My mom and Dad left to go on a date. :O
My sister and I and my grand parents left to go to the "Steak and Shake." I had a hamburger and a milk shake. (I called it "Hamburgerlar and a Malk shunk"). As we were comming home my Grandmother almost fell but i caught her. Hero!

Day 6 (February 20, Friday)

We enjoyed one last day at the pool and Played tennis for the last time. By night time I played Texas Holden 'em. (a.k.a. Poker) We played 2 games

Game 1: My sister won. I came in 2nd.

Game 2: My mom won, I came in 4th.

Instead of using real money or poker ships. We used Cake. (It was my Grandma's 75th birthday!).

Day 6 (February 21st, Saturday)

I played Shuffle board against my grandpa. We played 3 games

Game 1: I won 75 - 65

Game 2: He won 21 - 75

Game 3: I won 75+ - 74

(+ = I went over the highest score)

We left at 8:30pm est. We arived home around 10:30pm. The plane ride was 2 hours

Day 7 (February 22nd, Sunday)

I got up early at around 6:56 am and wrote this post and I'm off to do who knows what!

***New Puffle***

The myth of the White puffle is true. Look at the Dojo every 30 minutes.

We will be able to adopt the puffle in March. If everything goes according to plan.


Friday, February 20, 2009

Puffle Party Palooza!

Free item cheat! Go to the cove, and there are Puffle Bandanas!

For all you older citizens of Club Penguin, I believe that this is an old item.

My favorite game! Have you noticed that the Black Puffle doesn't show up?



Thursday, February 19, 2009

Screenhog Releases Secret Puffle Stuffle!

Screenhog said that there were no puffles when CP started. These sketches are from November 2005.

Which one is your favorite? What is your favorite puffle color?

What color would you invent for CP?


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

New Puffle catolog

There's a new Better Igloos catalogue coming out on Friday with puffle posters in it. Hmmm... (see next picture)

I bet that there's going to be some cheat to expose the secret puffle in the picture below. I was on Mimo777's site and I saw the eyes... (see list of possible colors below)

I think that soon there's gonna be a puffle for every penguin color!

-Navy Blue
-Light Green
-Dark Green
-Hot pink puffle (the other pink is a light pink, kind of a peach)

Could we be getting a new penguin color because of this puffle? Will that new color be rainbow?
Will this post ever end?

No problem. It will ;-)


p.s. What should my closer be? Hmmm... not sure. Comment! It counts as a part of the commenting contest, ya know ;-)

Monday, February 16, 2009

Playing Puffles!

Hey guys! My puffles are finally playing... A day before my membership expires ='(

Here are some pix of my puffles playing!
My purple puffle (Sammie, named after my sister's infamous nickname) likes sleeping in the gold bed the most...

...And my blue puffle (James Jr.) likes playing on the puffle playground thing the most.

Do you have puffles?

Have you been to Lady Maryann's site and seen her prediction of the Puffle Party (The PP hehehe)

If not, go to www.club-penguin-crazy.blogspot.com and find out all the coolness!


Thursday, February 12, 2009

Commenting Contest

I know i promised a membership contest.

Contest Form: Commeting.

Meaning comment the most and you win the highest prize.


Top Prize: member of my site

2nd Place: Fetured penguin of February

3rd Place: Certificate

non members:
Top Prize: 3 month Membership

2nd place: Member to my site

3rd Place: Certificate

Time of contest: 12th - 27th.

I hope you win!

Please comment bellow!

Record amount is 815 comments!

Heyyy penguins!

Yo guys! I'm Supdudes35 (although the vast majority of you know me as either Leclercian or Lec) and I'm new to the site. I'm probably going to be posting on here a lot, since I don't really feel like updating my own site (lol).

Some things that people know about me is I'm obsessed with correct grammer and punctuation (I know, it drives me crazy too) aaaaaand I love basketball. I think that those are the only 2 IMPORTANT things you need to know about me. In a life or death situation, if there's something you need to know about me, do the blonde thing.

My favorite saying is Just do it! (you know, that's Nike's saying. I LOOOVE Nike. Boo Adidas!)

My favorite word is casem (Definition: A deep, dark, never-ending hole/pit of death. Synonyms: MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA; Hole; TOTALLY TUBULAR FUN!)

I loooove to edit photos on Photoshop! I'm nowhere near as good as Lady Maryann, but I've been fooling around with the program a lot and I made this pic about 5 minutes ago... I've made better ones but this one's the most recent. I don't like it a lot. What do you think?

But enough about me! Let's hear about you guys! Comment on something cool and/or interesting about you, so all of us members of Speek's site can know more about thier most devout fans!

Just write something weird, ex. I can pick my nose with my tounge! (Ok, sorry, that's kind of disgusting. But you get the point, right?)

Oh yea, and if you haven't noticed, I use tons and tons and tons (and tons) and tons of parenthesis! You know, these things: ( )

So yea... go comment!

Let the good times roll, Leclercian

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

BG's 1000 hits party!

Hello! BG here(If you don't know me, I am Blueguin8576 and Click here to view my site). My party is coming up! I have decided to merge it with Pochoma123’s party! Please spread the word! Tell you family, friends, or even your dog! You get the point! I will post this everywhere! Litterally! Here are the details.
When: Saturday February 14
Where: Pochoma123’s igloo on the Map
Time: 10:00am CP time
Server: Northern Lights
Why: Valentines Day and 8,000/ 1,000 hits!
Rock ON!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The members

I hate having to post more than 1 time in a week.

Usually post once. Let bake (be read and commented), and then post again.

I needed to adress a problem while i am gone.

When I am in Florida for next week. There will be no internet because it was blown out during Tropical Storm Fay of 2008.

My grandparents were flooded with 2 ft of water.

I may be on once or twice, so i need my members to post the cp events while I am gone.

Please come to my party! You will not see more for over a week if you dont come.

Anyway, I will tell you how trip turned out.

and I will start a contest on Friday!


My Prediction on new puffles

When the yellow puffle came out. People wondered about puffles of other colors.

Orange, brown, white an even multi colored puffles were thought to come.

During this puffle event for Febraury I think that along with new funiture for Puffles more things may come too!

Maybe puffles could have clothes!!!!

Maybe new colors of puffles will arrive to cp!?

We will see when it Happens.

Untill Then we can only hope

From Blog owner Speek

Speek is Leaving

I am leaving for Florida on the 14th and I will be back on the 22nd.

Please come to my Party on Friday.

You know the reasons right?

1. 1 Year of Speek Site
2. 15,000 hits party
3. Lacario's birthday
4. Going away party.


Date: February 13th
Time: 3:30 pm cptz
Server: Fjord
Place: Dock

please come if you can. I am not expecting a lot!

Have with out me for a week.

Bye! :P

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Febuary Catalog Cheats and stuff

Hello. Speek can't post right now, so you can go here. This was a very short post.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Party reschueled

Due to un schueled banning.

I have pushed my party a day ahead and due to the lack of time of the word getting around. No one came!!!!!!

So i pushed this party 9 days away


Server: Fjord
Date: February 13th
Time: 3:30 pm cptz
Place: dock

I really want the word to get around.

That way we can have a big party.

Put the details on ur site!!!!

HERE is the post card

Send it to ur friends. Be sure to come.

This could be my last party

Comment below



Monday, February 2, 2009

Party Pushed

I have gotten some bad fed from you guys saying that the timing is bad for you guys.

So here are the new and improved times!

Date: February 4th
Server: Fjord
Place: Dock
Time: 3:30 pm cptz

Unfortunately Speek got banned but only for 24 hours. so i will see you on Wednesday.




Super Party

Hey my fellow penguins.

The party for tomorrow is gettin bigger and bigger.

here are the new reasons to party!

10th member of Speek Site
15,000 views for Speek Site
Lacario's 14th birthday.

other reason to party.

1st Birthday of Speek Site


Server: Fjord
Date: February 3rd
Time: 3:30 pm cptz
Place: Dock

Tell as many people as u can Time is running out!!!!

Please come.


Bye! :D


The 10th Member!

Hey people,

I am Dalek Ad, I am speeks friend and I won the poll contest thing. I like find four, sled racing and the ninja game. I am a member and have played club penguin for way over 1 year, maybe even 2. I used to have a beta called atar but it got hacked and now completely banned. I have a site which has over 30,000 hits..

I heard I might have party well if I do, I will sure advertise it on my site. Here are some links to some places I go on...
And lots more!

Hope to see you guys around!

-Dalek Ad

Sunday, February 1, 2009


Hey readers of Speek Site.

I am proud to say that this site is becomming 1 year old.

As a result of this tremendous event. I invite Everyone to a huge party!


Date: February 3rd
Server: Fjord
Place: Dock
Time: 3:30 pm cptz

1 Year events for Speek Site

Most comments on a single post: 885 comments

Most views in a single day: 160 different countries

Most viewers at a single time: 26

Most people on Xat: 12

Total Countries viewers: 85

Most viewers from a single Country: 4,576 (America)

***10th Member of Speek Site***

The contest for the new member of Speek Site is over.

The winner with a total 43 votes Dalek Ad

The runner up is Brad1072 with 26 in total

Dalek Ad will get a party of his own and another prize of his choosing.

Congradulations Dalek Ad.

See you at my Party!


Party 'till you drop!