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Sunday, March 30, 2008

Rockhoppers ship!

I have just noticed that you can see rock hoppers ship from the beacon here is a picture

and it looks all finished!

i wonder wat we'll do with it when the party ends

Saturday, March 29, 2008

the first of many

New rankings

Cp Fliers

Leader: Joycin123

General: Pochoma

Brigadier-General: 456 Ed

Private: lady maryann

Doctor: Jimy 0123

Flyers of club penguin

Leader: Panpap

Geranal: Joycin123


General: Rlin

Lieutenante-General: Txmb95ads

Major-General: Joycin 123

Brigadier-General: Panpap

Colonel: Jaruna

Lieutenante-Colonel: Pengineeta

Major: Dodgerfan142

Captain: Abced1234

Tell me if u want to join any of the teams and if u want a ranking

Joycin's birthday post cards

here is the first one!

Here is the second one!

Cp snow ball teams

Cp Fliers

leader: Me!

general: Pochoma

Flyers of club penguin

Leader: Panpap

Geranal: Me!


General: Rlin

Lieutenante-General: Txmb95ads

Major-General: Joycin 123

Brigadier-General: Panpap

Colonel: Jaruna

Lieutenante-Colonel: Pengineeta

Major: Dodgerfan142

Captain: Abced1234

Tell me if u want to join any of the teams and if u want a ranking

Friday, March 28, 2008

Toronto's iqloo

this is toronto's iqloo and i asked to be his friend and he said yes! So for my detention i had to scrub the floors in the bathroom. April Fools!

Rock on! Rock till you drop :)

April Fools party

this April Fools party is much more crazy then last years. Also the red propler hat came back from 2006 I wonder if it were crazy then too. Anyway i hope ur enjoying the party as much as i am.

Also I'd like to hear wat your favorite room is. I like all the rooms

Rock till you drop!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Look at this iqloo

This is Clone's iqloo i asked him to be speek's friend and he said yes! So i went to his iqloo but when i was there he deleted so i could not take a picture but i did get one of his iqloo


New ending to each Post now is!

Rock till you drop! :)


This is just a picture of penguin i was bored but i think he was a popular penguin or something.

Tell me your opion and tell me wat you think

New Newspaper

well the new newspaper came out today and looks like someone drew all over it. Also it turns out there is an area where it said penguin of the month. I thought i was the penguin of the month because it said speek! but when i went on Joycin123 it said that he was the penguin of the month. So I figured that who ever reads that section of the newspaper the penguin that they're is the penguin of the month. That way no one's feelings get hurt i assumed. Or maybe Club penguin is too lazy to choose one!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

April Fools sneak peak!

'~' this was my face when i saw the preview it is kinda different then the last one

Joycin is a girl

There has been a lot of confusion if Joycin is a girl or not

Joycin is a girl

I am a boy and my penguins are

Speek, Joycin123, Joycin 123

in age order

and Joycin is a girl but has a penguin that is dressed like a boy because she doesn't want to be dressed as a girl because there are any cool clothes for girls that she likes

Her penguins are

Joycin, pinklemon 65, Rockhopdude, mumble 265, maximum 31

in age order

i hope this makes more sense

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

early end to the contest

I might end the contest early because lesser and lesser birthday cards will come

if there are no more post cards by the time my polls close then the polls with everyone on it will be the first poll

The next poll will be with the top five rated cards

Monday, March 24, 2008

Joycin's birthday post card

Joycin's post card

Joycin's birthday Present

As my sister (Joycin) is going to have her 11th birthday on April 7th I propose that we all should go on Rate my penguin and send her happy birthday notes. Like happy birthday. Also i hope in the processes we can make a record of the most Members on at a time

They record we have to beat is 15 can you do it?

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Awesome iqloo

This person's name is Purpledwarf is he famous or something because he asked speek to be his friend anyway

this is his awesome iqloo

Friday, March 21, 2008

Easter Egg Hunt secrets

Thursday, March 20, 2008

The Plan

The plan is

April 15: Contest closed and polls begin

April 16: Blog owners will begin to vote on who they like the most

April 17: Poll on all the cards posted and we will see who is voted the most

April ? (Someday): Poll ends and new poll for the top 5 highest votes

April ? (Someday): Poll ends and new poll for the top 3 highest votes begin

April ? (Someday): Poll ends and the winner will be decided

April ? (Someday): Winners prize anounced and then party for the winner

Remember these are not set dates. And who ever wins was voted by the public and not by me.

P.S. I really do hope everyone is having fun and I hope the best for all Contest contestenats


Panpap's second birthday card post

Here is his second Birthday post card

Rocketnuma's Birthday card

This is Rocketnuma's Birthday card i hope u like it

Mario's and Bestl8per's birthday card!

Bestl8per and Mario aren't in the poll becuase i got the picture after i did the post.!:)

Daisydarr birthday card

her name isn't in the poll because i got the card after i set up the poll

Ed's happy birthday card

My arm is better! :-) now i can type again.

Here is Ed's Birthday card. tell me wat u think of it.


Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Party adjustment.

hey guys my arm is dislocated and now typing is becoming difficult

P.S. if u want to you make get well cards.

P.S.S. 456 Ed, needed to change the time on his party It will now be at 1CPTZ Everything else is the same!

456 Ed's idea

PARTY:Snowball fight/RED Vs BLUE
where:snow forts
Sever:Snow forts

I hope to see you there!

Pochoma's Birthday Post card

Remeber people who own a blog can vote. Then after everyone can vote for it in a poll
Then the winner will be determined

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Contest End is in April

The contest will End on April 15th

so everyone you got a lot of time!


Constest Prize

Who ever wins the contest will choose their own prize and i will try to make it happen.

Birthday post card contest

I've been debating wheater i should do this or not but now i am. I am having a contest for the nicest or funnies Birthday card for Joycin123 and you can send in more then one picture.

Contact me at adamlurie@verizon.net for questions

put down ur username for help so i know who u r in RE.

Also you can PM me at Ratemypenguin.com i hope the best person wins the contest!

Best of Luck

-Joycin123 (Speek, Speek to ME) :)

Lady Maryann's Happy Birthday Post Card

Lady Maryann made a happy birthday post card, remember anyone can make me a post card and if they need me just let me know.
Thank You Lady maryann! :)

Monday, March 17, 2008

Jaruna's Birthday card

Jaruna made me a Birthay card

P.S. Anyone can make me a birthday card you can also send it to me at Speek to ME at rate my penguin
there u can PM me! :)

Sunday, March 16, 2008

My webstie got Huge!

i got 600 hits and now

many people from country visited my site!

i hope my wish is coming true

that wish is

To become famous from my site.


my last post pictures are kinda jumbled up

but the good part is that u can see them

finding out where the pictures are going to go is hard work

i already editied it once and it was hard enough

i don't want to sound lazy but i did do my best

I hope this isn't to much trouble for u.

New book cheats to get the pinz

pinz cheats

Panpap birthday card

look wat panpap gave me!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

party time

the party time for today will be at 3:30 cp time.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Joycin123's birthday

this party came unexceptingly, Joycin123 is turning 1 year old on Saturday

there will be birthday party

it will on pochoma123 tv episode 3

when: March 15

Where: Frozen!

Where: Night club!

i hope to see all of u there!

Party reminder

There will be a party today at 4pm cp time at Husky im having a count down at the dock for five minutes before the party

u can come!

the free item

The free item is tall big and huge it is at the Ski lodge where the parade start's

it is much bigger than the one one year ago, I was afriad it was going to eat my older lucky hat.

P.S. Can u guess my favorite spot in the party

P.S.S. My favorite spot is in the coffee shop but do u know where?

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Jimy 0123 asked wat is my favorite friend from club penguin in order.

1. Pochoma123, Jimy0123, Panpap, Txmb95ads, Huruna, Best8leper, Tornoto, Pmac, Toronto, Idontbreak, Billybob, Fever, 456 ed, xtra cold

These are my favorite friends

all my friends are #1 except for a few fans of whom i dislike becuase they are annoying.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

My blog is worth something

i am going to up date on how much my blog is weeekly and i will keep the oldest one up to compare! sounds good right? i hope it does!

Monday, March 10, 2008


i learned by Jimy 0123 a little gift called Html service thing or something but it opened so many doors for me

now i got

hit counter

pin tracker

who's on?

We will party for this and it will be called Web site BOAST! soon it will come!

Hit counter Working

my hit counter is working thanks to Jimy 0123 thanks! The number that u see is the number of hits from www.speektome.piczo.com now that it works here i am sure to get more hits!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Xtra cold and i are working together

Xtra Cold sayd that if my site gets more hits then he will close down his site

so now xtra cold owns my piczo site!

Is my site getting bigger?

I have noticed that my site is getting bigger in one of the polls there has been 23 votes which makes a new voting record for this site. I hope i will get bigger and that way people can know of Speek to ME!

can anyone give me instructions on how to get a hit counter?

Saturday, March 8, 2008

4 parties tied into one!

four parties at once on husky at 4pm cp time don't be late unless u want to.

parties are

1100 PM's
1111 PM's
500 Hits
100 guest book signitures!

A three party extravaganza

3 parties tied into one big one! it will be on March 14, 2008 in husky at 4pm or later. i hope everyone can come

party reasons

500 hits!
1100 PM's
1111 PM's

sound awesome doesn't it?

Friday, March 7, 2008

Party time

I think i will have a party sometime during the St. Patrica's day party, for 1100, 1111 PM's I hope i can get a party planning comitee to find out wat time and where to do it.

So far on the comittee

Jimy 0123 - Pictures.

New catolog secret items

First in order to get the blue viking helmet you must hit the area three times,

P.S. Pictures may not look like they are in the catolog!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Party planning comitee needed!

As parties rapily grew I began to realize i cannot plan the parties and make sure everyone can come. So anyone who wants to help can help to begin the next party for

1100 PM's !

www.speektome.piczo.com is not working!

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! I noticed that my Piczo website was not working before but I thought it was only a glich but now its not working completly! I don't know why or how. So if u can u try to spread the word of


Also I am afraid that i am losing readers and there are no more polls. It is really weird. I hope I can over come my problem eventually. Until then i hope i can find out how to get hits, people who are on, and the pin finder on my screen does anyone know how?

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

New Game

There will be a new game in the Book room, it is not a multiply player game. I'm guessing that the game can be played from a book.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

No more 2nd party

i am having computer promblems and the party will not come. lucky someone came which is Pochoma123. Thank you Pochoma. For everyone else its ok that u couldn't come i hope ur having fun where ever u r


Party time is 4:30pm cp time or earlier.

1st party done.

The first party lasted an hour

During is time Daisydarr and Txmb95ads walked with newspapers at my iqloo.

People that were there were from alpheticle order:

456 Ed, Best8leper, Bluekingice, Daisydarr, dogerfan142, and Txmb95ads

It was awesome but i hope many people willl come to my second party today

Which is 4:15 or 4:30pm cp time depending if i am late or not. I hope to see everyone there.

Server: Husky
Place: dock.


For the party I will be a bit late because mamoth is full

But there will be a second party at 4pm cp time hope to see there.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Party reminder

Don't foreget there is a party tomorrow at 1pm at cp time at Husky (i will be joycin123)

Party reasons

1,000 PMs party
Speek's birthday party
Maze contest won party
50 posts party
1,000 hits for Jimy0123 party.

I just found out

I just found out that the penguin i found belongs to someone else the name is grassyman and i hope who ever owns it now is taking good care of the penguin that is almost 2 years old. Thank you for letting me go on with such consideration. Grassyman the now owner i think is the originally owner. Is actually my friend in real life that is a triplet.