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Monday, March 30, 2009


Hey guys Sorry I haven't posted anything fun or cool in a while

Luckly April has Earth day! and I will be making Global warming awarness pictures again!!!

here is the forcast for April

April 1st - 4th: April fools day suprises

April 3rd: Global Warming awarness picture (ice berg)

April 5 - 11: 1st contest for Joycin's account (commenting contest)

April 10th: Global Warming Awarness Picuture (Cove)

April 12 - 18: 2nd contest for Joycin's account (be between 25 - 100th subscriber of my Youtube account) Winner choosen at random

April 17th: Global Warming Awarness Picture (Beach)

April 19 - 25: 3rd contest for Joycin's account (nominations rounded up and top voted wins)

April 24th: NEW! Global Warming Awarness Picture (Dock)

April 26 - May 2nd: Voting and winners decided for Joycin's account

Anyway There could be parties during this time to... and things cuold change.


Sunday, March 29, 2009


Hey, I have a couple things to talk about!

1. New Video
2. Poll results
3. April Agenda

***New Video***

***Poll results***

These are the Poll #3 results


Through to the next round
Total Votes: 28


Through to the next round

Total votes: 21


You are not through to the next round.

Card #1: 17 votes in total
Card #2: 16 votes in total

Your cards get the best background award! Good job ;)

Music Maker's

Through to the next round
total votes: 24


Through to the next round
Total votes: 28


Through to the next round: yes
Total votes: 30


1. Leclercian - 30
2. Brad1072 - 28
2. Pochoma123 - 28
4. Music Maker 24
5. Chucksumi - 21

Good luck in the next poll

***April Agenda***

April 1st - 5th: April Fools week

April 5th - 11th: Contest #1 (Commenting contest)

April 7th: Joycin's birthday!

April 12th - 18th: Contest #2 (Subscribe to my Youtube account. Be the ***th subcriber to win) (*** = random)

April 19th - 25th: Contest #3 (Nominations and top nominated penguin is choosen)

April 26th - May 2nd: The 3 contest winners are put into a poll the winner gets Joycin's Account.

I hope all of you will participate.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

17,000 hits party

Soon we will be nearing 17,000 page views.

With the amount of 100 views per day we will be at 17,000 by March 23rd or 24th.

In that case i think we should party!

Here's the plan

Date: March 27, 2009
Server: Fjord
Time: 5pm cptz
Place: Dock

I hope you can make it

Poll results

Hey guys I am going to let you know what's up with the polls


The first Speek Site poll was on March 28th, 2008

The question was what do you think of my site

1. Awesome - 12
2. Great - 10
3. Good - 2
4. Ok - 0
5. Bad - 0

Total 24 votes in 5 days.

As a result of the that I will put that poll up again and see if the amount is the same.

(Or better)

***11th Member of Speek Site***

We are now down to the top 4 nominees

Vote for who you want to be the next member of Speek Site

nominees are:


***Best Speek Birthday Card***

This time we are going a little differnt.

The people stay in by total amount of votes, and are ranked by how they did the on the previous poll

Results so far

1. Leclercian - 25 votes
2. Pochoma123 - 24 votes
3. Brad1072 - 22 votes
4. Music Maker - 20 votes
5. Chucksumi - 15
5. Panpap #1 - 15
7. Panpap #2 - 13
8. Spoil Pink - 10

Spoil Pink you are elimated (sorry :(

Birthday Cards



Panpap's (First 1)

Panpap's (second Card)

Music Maker's



Spoil Pink

Best Advertise award


Saturday, March 21, 2009


Hey guys A lot of stuff happened on Cp!


1. New furniture catolog
2. New Igloo catolog
3. Snow sculptures
4. Penguins awards

***Furniture Catolog****

New Items - The perfect way to frame the "famous" penguin's items

Secret Items - items not ment to be known

1. Disco Ball

Step 1: Click on the red electric Guritar
Step 2: Buy the Disco Ball
Jokes: Great way to get blinded while you dance

2. White Puffle Poster

Step 1: Click on "Puffle" in Puffle Posters heading
Step 2: Buy the Poster
Jokes: Great way to get frozen by the adorable creature

3. Ice Table

Step 1: Click on the Coi Pond
Step 2: Buy the Ice table
Jokes: Thanks to global warming that will melt, So buy it now!

4. Large Aquirium

Step 1: Click on the Pinata
Step 2: Buy the Large Aquirium
Jokes: Great way to have a fish.
Joycin123's amount: 35

5. Welcome Mat

Step 1: Click on the rope on the velvet rope Furniture item
Step 2: Buy the Welcome mat
Jokes: Will be full of snow and mud by other penguins

6. Green Birdhouse

Step 1: Click on the right snow fort colum on the top
Step 2: Buy the bird house
Jokes: There aren't any birds in cp so there is no reason for this.

***Igloo catolog***

New Igloo - the igloos club penguin can make

Cool form.

Secret items

1. Secret stone igloo

Step 1: Click on the Crow bar at the top right
Step 2: Buy the igloo
Jokes: Its not very scret now

2. Ginger bread house

Step 1: Click on all 5 words of "Candy" on the page
Step 2: Buy the igloo
Jokes: Its good enough to eat, but sturdy enough to live in

***Snow sculptures***

Art was one of my best subjects at school, back in my younger days, but now i am not so good. But keep at it if your good at it. Its one of those talents that if you dont use it, you loose it.

1. Lucasbas

Description: Penguin waving, while standing on top of ice.
Jokes: If he is not careful he could fall.

2. Ice4biel

Description: Penguins and puffles playing
Jokes: Club penguin made the picture look a whole lot better.

3. Rosette4

Description: Penguin surfing
Jokes: that's a very small wave. If it falls he might die!

4. Marco A9

Description: Yellow puffle with its snow sculpture
Is that a puffle or an Alien creature?
How did a paint brush make a snow sculpture?

5. Wubby 98

Description: Penguin Mods together.
Jokes: All of the penguins are played by robots!

Do you think I should send in mine?

Yes or No ?

***Penguin play awards***

Since I am not a member I had a very nice person (456 Ed) that let me borrow their account for this post

Switch Pox

Further Left Green Switch: Search lights go down the isle (i - el)
Closer Left green Switch: Sear Lights go on and off the stage
Light Blue Botton: Confette comes from the left of the stage
Black Button: Confette comes from both ends of the stage
Red Button: Confette comes from the right end of the stage
Closer Right switch: 6 lights in the middle of the stage
Further Right Switch: 6 lights fade away from the stage
Yellow lever: Yellow puffle comes with an award

Screen Catolog

Costumes from the nominated plays

Scret item
1. Penguin background

Step 1: Click on the golden penguin
Step 2: Buy the background
Jokes: Now you can put the event on your backgorund.

My choices:

Stage designs:

When you click on the cameras they will flash
Go to the voting tabel to vote!

Click on the Switch Box to play around


Go to the exit sign at the stage

Click on the Green Screen to change the Background
Click on the camera's to make 'em flash
Walk on the table where the golden penguins are (They are free items)

You can meet Aunt Artic at the stage from time to time.

If you meet her you get this cool background.

Comment bellow about:

what plays you like!
What are your favorite furnitures and igloos
Should i submit my picture?

Friday, March 20, 2009

Special Post

Hey! I have decided to let you know what will happen on the upcomming months

January - 2008 awards, parties and contest (done)

February - Site appreciation month - Speek Site turns 2! (Done)

March - Speek's birthday month. Birthday cards (membership contest)

April - Nina's birthday (a.k.a Joycin [Speek's younger sister]). Joycin account contest.

May - Fan Apprication month - Contest to find the #1 fan of Speek.

June - Adam's 15th birthday (a.k.a. Speek). Birthday party and presents.

July - USA and Cananda indepence days and Summer appriciation month.

August - Speek's vacation. search to find Speek site member team.

September - Back to school torutre month!

October - Halloween - trick or treating

November - Thankfull month

December - Holiday Banaza

This is what will be expected. THINGS MAY CHANGE!!!!!!

Oh and please comment

* Each comment counts for your award at the end of the month!


From Speek Site owner Speek


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Club penguin party

Club penguin has became lazy.

Here are my findings of laziness

1. They brought back the Lucky Hat (MY HAT)
2. Almost same pin as the first one ever
3. The coffee shop is partly covered

***Leclercian's post***

Cp forgot to put a rainbow over the icerink! You can see it from the town, but when you go to the actual icerink, its not there!

I made one... hekeke

Okay, so 1 of 2 things happened here.

1. CP was too lazy to put a rainbow in there... it is hard work though.

2. CP forgot about putting the rainbow there!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

New Video

Hey guys I made a new video! Look!

Tell me what you think below

Oh and here is the link incase you need it:

Anyway Vote on the polls

Have a great St. Patrics day and First Day of Spring or First day of Fall (depending on where you live)

And always remember to Rock 'till you drop

and Speek is awesome.

lol :D


Saturday, March 14, 2009

Poll #1

hey the poll Results are in!!!!


Amount of Votes: 12
Through to the next round: yes


Card #1: 6 votes
Card #2: 6 votes
Through to the next roudn: no

Your cards get best Certificate look


Vote amount: 7 votes
Through to the next round: Yes


Card #1: 10 votes
Card #2: 7 votes
Cards through to the next round: yes

***Spoil pink***

Card Votes: 7 votes
Through to the next round: yes


Card Votes: 5 votes
Through to the next round: no

Your card gets best Font award!

Music Maker's

Card Votes: 12 votes
Through to the next round: Yes


Card Votes: 17 votes
Through to the next round: yes


Card votes: 17 votes
Through to the next round: yes


1. Leclercian
1. Pochoma123
2. Brad1072
2. Music Maker (Gilma)
5. Panpap #1
6. Panpap #2
7. Chucksumi
7. Spoil Poink
9. Blue #1 (gone)
9. Blue #1 (gone)
11. Canary4 (gone)

The people with 6 votes and under had to be taken out.

Vote for the next one!!!