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Friday, June 26, 2009

Going away

Hey guys!

My computer is all fixed (Sorta)

I still need to get back my excel works because I have all your comments recorded there and all your votes (for polls) recorded there as well. So I need to fix that but then I'm ok

I also need some of you guys e-mails.

Please comment your e-mails bellow I cannot stress this enough. (This way I can add you to my site in the future)

I also lost all my pictures. :( All of your awards, My awards, birthday cards, My funny pictures and all Family pictures.

As you can see I have suffered a great deal.

I need to rebuild and I need your help!

I have to leave today at 1pm est. I'm going to florida!

I will see you in a week.

The computer down there is busted as well. So I will not be on for at least another week.


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