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Thursday, March 27, 2008

New Newspaper

well the new newspaper came out today and looks like someone drew all over it. Also it turns out there is an area where it said penguin of the month. I thought i was the penguin of the month because it said speek! but when i went on Joycin123 it said that he was the penguin of the month. So I figured that who ever reads that section of the newspaper the penguin that they're is the penguin of the month. That way no one's feelings get hurt i assumed. Or maybe Club penguin is too lazy to choose one!

5 eating comments:

Lady Maryann of CPCrazy said...

yeah. i really thought I was the penguin of the month. and i was soooo happy. then i clicked orbvarb's newspaper widget, THERE IS NOOOOO NAME! OMG! so i logged in sister queen solita's penguin and her appeared on it!

im not sure if i wanna laugh coz i was duped or cry coz it wasnt real :'(


Taylor said...

I was shocked when it said me. Then some people said they were. So I went on my uncle's penguin and it said he was!! Then I went on my penguin and I told the Plaza everyone was penguin of the month. I think Club Penguin was too lazy to choose.

Anonymous said...

they should have not done that cause
when i read it i was so happy and then i told every one that is was me and then.............................
everyone started fighting.
its was kinda cool but then there was a big war at the dojo.

then i left.

Speek said...

When i saw my name on speek i was so surprised that i collasped then i fell asleep. When i awoke i went on Joycin123's acount and they said it was him. Then i figured that everyone was the pegnuin of the month

Lady Maryann of CPCrazy said...

LOL! you're funny speek! you COLLAPSED?! then FELL ASLEEP?! hahahaha oh man! i mean oh boy! LOL!

hey we're both ending our blogs with rock til you drop! nice! i hope you dont mind that we're both saying that... i sure dont mind ;-)

rock til you drop! ^.^
