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Saturday, January 3, 2009


I know have not been posting about cp events. New catologs, missions, pins and glitches.

Although I have decided to start posting about cp events and turn this blog from a party site to a updater party site (means: a site with parties and cp events)

Well here it goes!


Club penguin has provided Fiesta clothes! (Ge, i wonder why!?) The clothes probally have to do with the party comming up in late January.

The new cp catolog has wigs in it! I guess cp didn't want to have too many catologs.

Now becuase of the wigs put into the new catolog, there are more secret items than ever!

Here are the wat the secret items are:

1. The Pink Spike thing (proves pink hair is posslbe)

2. The Fruit wig thing! (the hat you can wear and eat!)

3. The Yellow Scarf thing (the no longer rare scarf)

4. The Russian hat thing (I didn't know that cp was Russia? Way to single someone out cp! Just because they dress funny doesn't mean we have to!)

5. The red viking helment! (no penguin under the age of 3 can wear them!)

6. The Blue Viking helment! (Same place! just click 3 times more)

7. The pink hat thing (its an over sized pom pom)

8. The Red Hoodie thing (its cp's 6th hoddie!)


check out this link for my walkthrough



The pin is located at the Lodge attic. If you do not know where the Lodge attic is ask the all knowing tour guide Speek

Q: Where is the Lodge Attic?
A: No where! Now go away!

(Tour guide speek: if u go to the Ski Lodge (the little house at the Ski Villiage) there should be a ladder go up it. Then you are in the attic)
Q: But
A: Shut up!

here is the pin montage:


Here is the weird Glitch (Not an edit!)

***Cp changes***

This will subject will not always be here. SO LISTEN UP! (lol :)

If you look at the Lodge Attic if you notice its full of snow!

If your wondering why its important.

2 years ago there was a festival of snow that Speek missed.

I regret that Speek missed it because it was one of the more exciting parties of the time back then.

Although As you see the Snow will be used in the festival in February to make Sculptures!

So that means of you cp artists I want you to make art not only for cp but for me if you want!

Anyway here is my editted image of the Ski Lodge Attic! (Theres more snow!)

Well Anyway I will be doing posts like this on every Friday!

Unless i don't feel like it.


Rock 'till you drop! :D

5 eating comments:

anonymous9001 said...

speek do u use paint??? if u do could u plz help me!!! i cant get pics right :(

Speek said...

PumaDude48: Yes I do use paint!

What do you need help with?

Anonymous said...

i think the archive you wirte is very good, but i think it will be better if you can say more..hehe,love your blog,,,

Speek said...

Costume Jewelry: Thanks I will add the hehe...

Although it sounds like Lady Maryann.

Anyway thank you for comming to my site

Speek said...
