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Thursday, January 29, 2009

Speek lost power

Hey guys!

I had an ice storm on Wednesday there was about 1 - 2 inches of ice.

about .4 inches of ice can knock down power lines so you can image how bad the power lines are now.

Anyway there is no major damage here, a few tree limbs fell in the backyard but otherwise fine. My neighbors had trees fall through their roofs! :O

and power lines where knocked down by weight of ice and tree branches.

I am on my laptop right now incase you were wondering.

My town says that they should have power back by Friday.

Here is the Hourly Events on Wednesday for me!

12 - 4am: sleep

5am: wake up to go to the bathroom. Too excitied to go back asleep. I looked out the window and saw snow!!! I figured Snow Day so i waited 'till my school called. I turned on the Tv untill 5:30 am (time school calls.) No call. I checked on the internet at the school site. SNOW DAY

6am: ate breakfast with my mother and shovelled walk way and driveway for my babysitter.

7am: My baby sitter came, talked with a few people on xat.

8 - 10: 5 inches of snow fell.

11am: snow changed to freazing rain (rain that freazes once it hits the ground)

12pm - 6pm: ice becomming heavier.

7 - 10pm: tree branches fall, power lines hang low, homes loose power.

11pm: power goes out

I will still be able to do the update post on Friday depending on when i get power back.

Bye!! :D

aaah! falling ice! ooo! it sounds like breaking glass!:O

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