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Friday, January 30, 2009


I am back after my power outage. Now i know how the 1700s and 1800s feel like.


Especially in winter! Water was freazing day and night! :O

My toilet was frozen


Here is the order of business:

1. Sports catolog
2. Pin calog
3. Community center site?

***Sports Catolog****

The catolog was ok at the least.

here are the secret items

1. Silver Surf board: (made with real gold then painted with silver)

1. Click on the surfboard so its with flowers
2. Click the shell
3. Click on the star fish

2. Secret rock climbing gear (for proffensinal use only)


Pin montage


Our community is vast. Within the 100s

I know i can make a site and find the people that can help it

Just tell me if you want the site or not.

Just think about the whole community in one site instead of 100s of others.

image one party with 100 people partying at once

CAN You?

2 eating comments:

canary4 said...

dear speek,
i feel like blogging again. if you can, tell as many people as you can about my site (canary4oncp-canary4).
and i know im asking for a lot but can you help me a little bit. i don't know how to put an image on my posts.

best fishes,

Speek said...

Canary I will help you with your new blog.

I will add it to my second blogroll.

Your friend
