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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

My findings

Hey penguins
I decided to help my good friend Joanna77777 in her search for odd club penguin findings.

1. Mistery at the dock!
First of all at the dock on the map there is this squigly line like thing with snow on it. Is it that box that has never been picked up at the dock. Its just laying there on the floor.

2. The town

Then supposivly where the town is. There are 6 buildings. When there are only 3 places to go, the coffee shop, nightclub and gift shop. Maybe those buildings are just there for the future.

3. Dojo?

The people of club penguin claimed that the dojo is at the highest point of all of club penguin. While towards the left there are these 3 larger mountains.

4. Missing Giftshop.

I also have noticed that club penguin might have gotten lazy and forgotten the giftshop but why?

5. Closed in light house lights?
At the beacon the map protrays that the beacon its self is closed up with glass. While being there, there is no glass at all. Maybe club penguin might have became stingy and forgot on purpose or just does not want to do it.

6. Rockhopper's impossible geographical desiegn portrated on the map makes seam almost impossible to land where he lands.

According to the map. Rockhopper would have to climb out of the boat and tug his ship to shore will at the beach the ship is resting on water. It is very wierd!

On to room misteries

1. Gift shop!

lets see here first of all. None of these items actually came out yet. may in the future but not today. Second if you can see there are different colored eggs just 4 boxes for eggs. Easter is over CP!!! Maybe they are for sale. Finally if u really really closely there are book shelfs fullied with books! Is it an out door libray?
i dont know!

2. Pet shop

There were a few things wrong with room. First the parrot from the bird cage is missing. And now 1 knows where it is! 2. Where you go to play puffle round up it says it is an exit while it is a game to play. third, Where you leave to go to play puffle round up it says on the door Employees only! Does that mean that we are all employees or are we just not alloud to go in altogther.

3. Night lounge

Finally at the night longe there is a curtain. What could possibly be behind it? A new room? A monster? What? And also there are these two big Tvs with these big speakers but they are never on! Were they ever used? maybe during the Sports Party but i was not there for it.
You may answer all of these questions if you want i guess by this poin there is no right or wrong answers.
Also if you are going to answer the questions also write down the question 2 in the comment. of your answering

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