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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

2008 review

During the past year we had many ups and downs. Lefts and Rights. Foward and back, side to side

Here the major events that I endured in the past year

January 2008 - The early year promised many possiblities to come.

February 2008 - Speek Site opened on Piczo.com with the help of Xtra Cold and my RMP buddies.

March 2008 - With Help from Pochoma I had gotten a site on Blogspot. Which is the site you see Today. During the month. Speek's 1st birthday had arrived. My RMP buddies sent Birthday cards. There were 10 birthday cards. They were from Panpap(2), Jaruna, Pochoma123, 456 Ed Daisydarr, Bestl8er, Rocketnuma, Joycin (2) and the Voted Winner was Lady Maryann!

April 2008 - Plans to give my sister a very good birthday had failed. The plan was to go on RMP with a record amount of members on her Birthday. We were 8 members short of the plan. Although i set up a secret party just for her 3 days after her birthday.

May 2008 - RMP posting of new images were getting slower and slower. Then RMP ended and many of the members went and made sites. Others so shakened by the death of RMP quited club penguin. With the oncome of more viewers I had reached 1,000 views. Lady Maryann and I began the advertisements for the amazing race contest. and Joycin123 had become a member for the first time. Along with my first Recording. iSpeek and Speeky (my betas) got unbanned. and Speek got taken out of safe chat.

June 2008 - My Birthday came into play in the middle of the month. I was hoping for birthday cards and presents. Most of which came as a card in an e-mail. I was satisified. In Late June I had started a contest for Commenting. It was the first of its kind. In the end there was 805 comments. Most of which came from Lacario and Pmac.

July 2008 - My first Buddy List video came. Along with the interview with Bike Boy93. iSpeek and Speeky got re-banned by hackers. Number of Posts began to drop quite suddlenly.

August 2008 - I left for Delaware in late August. By then my site was gettting about 1,000 views per week. By the end of the month I had almost 8,000 views. Then Lady Maryann mysteriously disapeared. Along with Jimy0123.

September 2008 - Jimy0123, Lady Maryann and I started a new site. Only to have 1 post it had over 15 comments and over 1,000 views. The hunt for the #1 Speek fan began. The results were. #3 Brad1072, #2 Ilionese #1 Lady Maryann.

October 2008 - I began drawing global warming effects on cp areas. Areas suck as the Cove, Ice berg and Beach. Each area was inadated with water waist deep for my penguin. Some images protrade that the flooding was due to the mountain snow tops melting and flowing as a river, into the area of the image and then out to sea. These images are almost exactly what Al Gore thinks What is happening as a result of Global Warming. By the end of the year Halloween rang out in a storm. I started as a joke to be a vampire. Then I began an army of the Vampires. With almost 30 penguins. Other people started armies of their own. Like I did. Spoil Pink began the dragons. Leclercian began ghouls and ghost army with Lacario. Along with 10,000 hits October was very memoriable.

November 2008 - The Vampire Army began getting more then less. Untill it died. November was mostly quiet.

December 2008 - The start with Speek Lottery was very big but along with being the only huge thrill of the season.



Out of the total 2643 comments this site had. Here are the winners!

Notice: My natural Commenting helped me win 6 months. March - May. September to November.
I have decided not to give an award to my self. So i am giving it to the runner up.

Febrary - Jimy0123 33 comments

March - Speek 28. Runner Up - Lady Maryann 20

April - Speek 43. Runner Up - Jimy0123 - 33

May - Speek -38 Runner Up - Lady Maryann 20

June - Lacario - 464

July - Jimy0123 - 92

August - Pen Flippy - 170

September - Speek 37 Runner up - Jimy0123 - 6

October - Speek 46 Runner up - Canary4 - 35

November - Speek 24 Runner up - Canary4 - 13

December Illionese - 110

The over all Top Commenter Award Goes to: Lacario - 507 comments.

He will get his Free Membership whenever he wants.

Comment here to find out your Year worth of comment amount!


Tuesday, December 30, 2008

January Events

Here are the Events for this site for January 2009!!!!!!!!

December 31st: Speek Site awards

January 1st: New Years Party!

Time: 5pm cptz
Server: Fjord
Place: Where ever

January 2nd: Speek Lottery Results for Event 4

Speek Lottery Event 5 begins

January 4th: A&N news! episode 1. See it on youtube!

January 5th: Winter break ends School begins (awww...:(

Janary 8th: Speek Lottery Event 5 results

Speek Lottery Event 6 begins

Janaury 11th: A%N news! Episode 2. See it on YOUTUBE!!!

January 15th: Speek Lottery Event 6 results

Speek Lottery Event 7 begins

January 18th: A&N news! Episode 3! See it on YOUTUBE! If u dare.....

January 23rd: Speek Lottery Event 7 results

Speek Lottery Event 8 begins.

January 25th: A&N news! Episode 4! See it on Youtube! (its going to be special!)

January 29th: Speek Lottery Event 8 results

Speek Lottery Event 9 begins.

Speek Buddy List Video will be made!

Those are the Events!

And We expecting a new member of this site for some time in January!

Please comment if you a question of if u wanna cool!


A new Year Means many opportunities in upcomming contests!

Don't miss out!

Commenting is crutial (crew - shul) for a free membership next year!

So COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!


Today is the final day of commenting.

I will be counting tonight and into tomorrow so type your last comments here!

Good luck!!!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Speek Lottery Results and more

After a week of voting for Speek's Lottery 1st Triple Play the results are in.


1 out of 3 (1,000 coins): Club Penguin Wave, SupDudes35, Canary4 and TrpiclQween1

2 out of 3 (1,500 coins): Bob2 and Illionese

3 out of 3 (3,000 coins): none

The winning numbers were: 3 5 7

Speek Lottery Details for Round 4:

Number Range: 1 - 15
Winning Numbers: 2
Daily Double: YES!!!!!!!!!!!
Triple Play: WE JUST HAD ONE! NO!

1 of 2: 2,500 coins

2 of 2: 5,000 coins

You can vote on this post!

Results will be January 2nd.

***Comming events!***

December 26th: Kwanza Party

December 29th: Speek Friends List Video

December 30 - 31st: Speek awards.

January 1st: New Years party.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Christmas Party!

You better not Shout you better cry because I'm Telling you why. Speek is comming to town!



Here are the deatails for the party!

Server: Fjord
Place: Dock
Time: 5pm cptz
Date: December 24th and 25th
Dress: Red and Green

I hope to see you there!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Summer, Winter Party results and more

The Summer Winter party totaled with 9 people

Canary4, Cg7mv7, Chuckleloo, Flower17702, Girl202020, Lacario, Pringle 64, Speek, Superdude35

here is a picture at the height of the party!

Oh do not forget we do have a Hannakah party!

here are the deatils:

Server: Fjord
Place: Dock
Time: 4pm cptz
Dress: Blue and White
Date: December 22nd

I hope to see you there

Happy holidays

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Summer, Winter Party!

As you Winter is comming soon for the Northern Hemisphere.

And Summer is Comming soon for the Southern Hemisphere.

Where I live Winter has impacted me with 7.6 inches of snow and there is still 4 more inches to come.

Anyway I plan to pull the 2 seasons together into a single party on Sunday

Here are the details:

Server: Fjord
Place: dock
Time: 4:30 pm cptz
Date: December 21st
Dress: North: Blue and white
South: Yellow, Orange and Red.

North - Northern Hemisphere. (USA, England, Russia, China, India, Mexico, Canada...etc)

South - Southern Hemisphere. (Brazil, Idonensia, Austrailia, Antartica, New Zeland, Philipeans... etc)

Consults this map for more.

click to enlarge

North - I'm cold! Turn up the heat!

South - It's too hot! Someone turn on the AC!


Friday, December 19, 2008

Speek Lottery event 3

Hello Young Speek Lottery voters!

I proud to annouce the details for Speek Lottery Event 3!

Here they are:

Number Range: 1 - 10
Winning Numbers: 3
Amount of gueses: 3
Daily Double: none
Triple Play: YES!!!!
Jakpot: 3,000 coins

Here is how Triple play will work:

Each voter gets 3 votes. If 1 vote contains 1 of the winning number then you will get a 3rd of the prize.

Futher more:

1 right: 1,000 coins
2 right: 1,500 coins
3 right: 3,000 coins

That's how it works!

If there are any questions please ask on a different post because i cannot look at the comments untill December 25th!

Oh and the results come December 25th.

I will see you on the 22nd at me party.


Thursday, December 18, 2008

Lottery resluts and more

Here are the updates on past and present events!

1. Speek's Lottery Contest results

It's been long and hard reframing my self from looking at your votes.

Espically with 53 of them.

It turns out most of them were from Leclercian. LOL!:D

Anyway The winning Lottery number is......... 5!

That means Dogs43 winns 10,000 coins! Great Job.

I will need your password so i can earn you your winnings.

It could take 5 - 10 days though!

Anyway e-mail me your cp name and password to adamlurie@verizon.net

2. Commenting Contest turn out

So far out of the 3 commenting contests.

This is the 3rd!

Here are the other ones!

1. June 2008 - 815 comments - winner: Lacario - 454 comments
2. August 2008 - 303 comments - winner: Pen Flippy - 170 comments
3. NEW!!!! December 2008 - 250 comments so far - Winner so far: Illonese - 105 comments

3. Feagle Day Party (a Canary4 Holiday)

Here are the deatails for this Canary4 Holiday

Server: Fjord
Time: 4pm cptz
Place: Dock
Date: December 19th
Dress: Yellow and gold and bring a puffle

This is pretty much all of the events that have happened and comming.

Oh and keep commenting the contest ends on December 31st!

Good Luck!


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Commenting contest

If you have read the title of this post you would know what it is about!

If you have not then look!!! :D

Anyway, I have been working hard for about 8 - 10 hours on a project for use guys!

Do you wanna know wat it is?


(that was retoricle by the way) (retoricle - a question that is not to be answered)

I snuck a little bit of 11th grade vocabulary in there. lol!

Anyway Just to be short and brief.

I was counting up the commnets and together so far from February 2008 - December 2008 we have 2,321 comments here!

It still is a lot but most of them came from one person.

So i want to give you all a chance to get your amount up before the Awards come on December 31st 2008!

The number to beat for December is 57 - Illionese

And the over all number to beat is 494 - Lacario

You may begin your commenting on this post!

P.S. I can tell you how many comments you have do not be afraid to ask!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Speek Lottery event 2

These are the deatails for Event 2!


Number range: 1 - 10
Number of guesses: 1
Daily Double: None
Triple Play: none

Jakpot amount: 10,000 coins!

The results will come on December 18th.

I will not look at the votes untill I write my post on December 18th.

Speek lottery results

Over the past week i have recived over 15 votes for the lottery.

Unfortunately i have looked at the comments. I say this because I do not want you thinking that i choose the winner.

The winner choose the number.

I will not look at the votes untill I make the post when the week is over.

I hope you understand that I did not choose the winner. The winner choose the number.


The winning number is.....(Drumroll)......: 7!!!

That means Leclercian wins 5,000 coins!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Speek's Lottery event 1

This the first of what may be many lotteries.

The results for this will be on December 12th.

Here are the deatails:

Number Range: 1 - 10
Number of guesses: 1
Daily double: none
Triple play: none

Jakpot: 5,000 coins.

you may begin guessing.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Speek Lottery instructions

Section 1 choosing

Basic rules:

Penguins are allowed to choose 1 number from 1 - 10

Special Events:

Daily Double: Penguins are allowed to choose 2 numbers from 1 - 50

Triple Play: Penguins are allowed to choose 3 numbers from 1 - 100

Section 2 Winning

When a player wins they are awarded the total amount in the jackpot.

Jakpot - amount that can be one.

When the player wins they must tell me their penguin name and password so they can collect their winnings.

Send your name and password to: adamlurie@verizon.net

Section 3 Jakpot

When the amount is not won then it is added to the next round of voting and winning.

For instance, If no one wins 10,000 coins then it is put in the next round and is added to the jakpot.

Section 4 Tie

If each penguin has gotten the same number and won.

Then each penguin is allowed to do 1 of 2 things

1. fight each other for the total prize amount in a contest funny pictures, movie, commenting etc.

2. cut winnings in half.

Each person has to agree on the choice.

The stays to same for all ties 2 and higher.

Those are the rules.

If you have any questions please ask in a comment.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

December Events

December is going to be a huge month of prizes and contests!

Here are the deatails

December 3rd: Instructions for Speek Lottery
Lottery numbers choosen

December 5th: Speek Lottery results. (a.k.a. contest of the week)

December 6th: Speek Tv episode one

December 7th: Speek Tv parties episode one.


Server: Fjord
Place: Dock
Time: 11:00 - 11:30 am cptz

This information is for every Sunday.

December 10th: New lottery numbers choosen.

December 12th: Speek Lottery results

December 13th: Speek Tv episode two

December 14th: Speek Tv parties episode two

December 17th: New lottery numbers choosen

December 19th: Feagle day party (Canary invented it)

Server: Fjord
Time: 4pm cptz
Place: Dock
Dress: Yellow and gold and bring a puffle

Speek lottery results

December 20th: Speek Tv episode three

December 21st: Speek Tv parties episode three

Theme: Winter and Summer party!

Blue and white for winter.

Orange, red and yellow for summer.

December 22nd: Hannukah party


Server: Fjord
Place: Dock
Time: 4pm cptz
Dress: Blue and White

should be approximite time of sunset.

December 24th: Christmas party


Server: Fjord
Place: Dock
Time: 5pm cptz
Dress: Green and Red

Speek Lottery numbers choosen.

December 26th: Kwanzaa party


Server: Fjord
Place: Dock
Time: 6pm cptz
Dress: Red and Green.

Speek Lottery results

December 27th: Speek Tv episode four

December 28th: Speek Tv parties episode four

December 29th: Friends list video for december.

December 30th - 31st: Site and penguin awards.

If there is any event that YOU would like to add please let me know in a comemnt.

I want to hear if I missed any other holidays that YOU celebrate.

Thank you and have a great December.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

December buzz

Something Huge is comming this December.

I can't exactly tell you what will be happening yet.

Although i can let you guess.

Please guess in a comment.

I leave on November 28th at 10 am est. (7am cptz)

I will come back on November 30th.

Happy thanksgiving!

be thankfull!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Site contest and more

Site contest:

On the bottom on my site there is a list of events from October to November.

On November 20th I have decided to make a contest. Unfortunately i had no time to figure out which contest i should choose.

Then i realized, why choose for my fans and friends, when they can choose for themselves.

Here is the list of contest you can choose from.

Funny picture

Just choose one of the contests.


1. You can choose more than 1 contest.
2. You can suggest a different contest idea. I will be happy to add it to the list.
3. Have fun.

please choose or suggest in a comment.

The voting ends on November 30th.

The chosen contest will begin in December.

Speek leaving?

During this Thanks giving I will be giving up club penguin.

No! Just kidding!

Although I will be gone on November 26th - 30th

I am going to Maryland for Thanks giving

I will be making my friends list movie for November on November 23rd.

Have a good thanks giving without me!

be thankful!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Speek Tv

Speek Tv comes in December or for 20,000 views!!!

Which ever comes first.

There are 3 series!

Speek Tv

Speek Tv Bloopers

Speek Tv Parties.

As an addition to Speek Tv

I am making a group for music videos, parties and a bunch of other stuff.

Sign up in a comment.

All will be on Youtube!

and on a special site!

comming soon!


Hey everyone, it's me Skaterjessie! I am new to Speek's blog and he is a good friend of mine. He also works on my blog. Be sure to visit it! CLICK HERE TO GO TO CPP! I hope I get to stay on Speek's blog for a LONG time!

peace out....skaterjessie

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Ninjas are comming

Back in 2005 ninja's were often seen on club penguin. On building rooftops, or hidden in a shadow. Late October Ninjas were taken away. No more climbing buildings no more being invisble. Just boring cp. Untill other parties came and made cp a blast again. Although, Ninja's have always been on my mind. Little did I know Ninjas were to come again, it was only 3 years away. I waited patiently for the ninjas to return. My penguins Speeky and iSpeek were my penguins untill Late August 2006. One day i went on and both of them were banend forever. I still waited. Making many different accounts. Which i got bored with and eventually forgot their password. Early March of 2007 I created Speek, I accidently put him on ultimate safe chat. In early April I made Joycin123 as a replacement. I became attached to cp even closer. Thinking that ninja's would come again. I looked for ninja myths. Finding encounters of them, but only to be shawdows. Then in November of 2007 I discoverd Ratemypenguin.com, and made many images, comments and friends over the days there. RMP (as is was also called) ended in May of 2008. Many of the members made sites. Of course I made this site. Cg helped me get Speek off of ultimate safe chat and helped me get Speeky and iSpeek back. Speeky and iSpeek gotten banned 1 month later. Although my true instict for ninjas became at large. I decided to tell the world my forcast for ninjas. It was saying that they would come as a costome for halloween. I was wrong but I hoped it was going to be true. During Halloween weird sites were being seen as the storm came in. Ninjas were reported at the dojo. Now 2 weeks later our penguins can become ninjas. My instict was correct just 2 weeks off. My idea of Ninjas comming back is true.

Ninjas has been reported across club penguin island for 3 years.

one's shawdow has been seen in a mirror at the ski lodge

one's shadow as been reported at the lighthouse

one's foot prints have been seen at the plaza just under the puffle picture.

We have seen them in parties

Easter Egg hunt and the Halloween party. and many more

On Friday the November 14th Ninjas are going to be officially brought to club penguin.

Our training may be hard but worth it.

Believe till you can't believe no more, because it will be worth it by the end!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Verterains day party

Do not forget about the Vertians day party!

here are the details

November 11th: Verterain day party

Time: 5:30pm cptz
Server: Fjord
Place: Town
Dress: Red, white or blue if someone in your family is a vertain

If you are not american u can dress in the color of your nations flag.

I WILL be Recording Speek Tv Parties!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Rate my penguin

After a couple of months of working on rate my penguin Pochoma and Speek Style

The site has finally been made

here it is:


Join Today!

Spread the word of Rate my penguin Pochoma and Speek Style!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

My last Membership Igloo

Joycin123 was my only member penugin.

I got him after i accidentally put speek on ultimate safe chat.

Little did i know i could change that.

Anyway, Joycin123 became a member after winning a contest from Pmac.

For name that Beta penguin!

In may.

The membership were to last for 6-months.

By November 9th the 6-months of memship items, and member igloos will all go away.

So this is my last member igloo.

If you want to help me get another membership.

Please send me a card to adamlurie@verizon.net

Until then I am to be a non-memeber.

Far well membership.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

New Contest

Have you ever wondered how many views club penguin would have if it had a hit counter?

This is the question that has been following me around for months now.

I have come up with an idea of how many page views per day.

I just need you to comment on how many page views you think club penguin gets per day.

If your guess is close to mine or is more logical.

Your prize will be 1 of the 3

1. 5,000 coins

2. To share a penguin with me.

3. Member of my site.

Anything from 1 to infinity is acceptable.

Penguins Start your flippers

Get set!


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

November Events

Here are the events for November!

November 4th: Election day party

Time: 5:30 pm cptz
Server: Fjord
Place: Dock
Dress: Red for Democrat
Blue for Rebulican

This party will be recorded.

November 7th: Member meeting

Time: 6pm cptz
Place: Xact chat.

All members of this site must attend.

November 8th: Vampire Meeting

First meeting:

Date: November 8th
Site: http://vampire-army.blogspot.com/
Place: Xact chat
Time: 1pm cptz

November 9th: Joycin123's membership ends

November 11th: Verterain day party

Time: 5:30pm cptz
Server: Fjord
Place: Town
Dress: Red, white or blue if someone in your family is a vertain

November 14: Member meeting

Time: 6pm cptz
Place: Xact chat.

All members of this site must attend.

November 20th: Suprise Contest.

Possiblities: Commenting or funny picture or something else.

winner gets a huge prize

November 21st: Member meeting

Time: 6pm cptz
Place: Xact chat.

All members of this site must attend.

November 27th: Thanks giving day party.

Server: Fjord
Time: 5:30pm cptz
Place: Dock
Dress: brown if your gonna eat a turkey

November 28th: Member meeting

Time: 6pm cptz
Place: Xact chat.

All members of this site must attend.

November 29th: Buddy List video

That's all I can think of

Monday, November 3, 2008

Mysterious man

After the Halloween storm came through. The dojo was left in ruins. Heavy amounts of snow came down which may cause the roof to cave in. Luckly some penguin came and helped dig out the snow on roof. The only interesting part of this is that there is a man that no one seems to know.

This mysterious man has many items that were never given out to the club penguin public.


A cone-like hat proves that were ever he lives that there is sunlight and plenty of it


The strager has a grayish color that was never given out to club penguin public. Could it be that it is natural or he stumbled apon it. (Leclercian discovered it first)


A japanesse or chinnese coat that was as well never issued to the club penguin public is also being worn.

The man seems to have a beard but i believe that's because of his age.

The man also seems to be digging a trail to an area.

Could the area be for Ninja training?
Coulbe it even be an area to enter?
Why am i asking so many questions?

we will find out tomorrow.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Vampire items!

I am now making Vampire items!


There are vampire fangs and red eyes.

Just send me an e-mail of your player card.

to adamlurie@verizon.net

here is an example of what it may look like

P.S. I made up the official site for Vampires.

it is:


I hope this does not make Spoil Pink mad.

Vampire Meeting

Vampire's we have reached the nessary amount for an army!

which is 30!

Now we can start fighting against other armies!

In addition to battling we will have meetings.

In addition to the meetings and battling there will be an official Site!

Of where all of you can be members!

First meeting:

Date: November 8th
Site: http://vampire-army.blogspot.com/
Place: Xact chat
Time: 1pm cptz

You can make your own sites!

Sites so far:

Spoil Pink's site: http://speeksvampirearmy.tk/

Please come! if you can!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Vampire Army

I have always wanted to have a successfull army.

Here is the status Board:

Head/Owner: Speek

Co-Owner: Pochoma123

Head General: Lacario

Excutive General: Leclercian

General: Brad1072 and Shadow(Dalek Ad)

Plan Maker(very important): Spoil Pink

Assitant Plan Maker: Spoil Pink 2

Lutenit: Nykki, Rocketnuma, Doublefire, Sabremonkey and Chuckleloo

Head Captain: Illionese

Captain: Canary, Joycin and Skater Jessie

Co-Captain: Soccer USA

Head Officer: Penguineeta

Officer: Sparkforver and Piemoo

Co-Officer: Teen Princess Peach

Specilized Soldier: Orange Land

Soldier: dogs43, hi im sc, happyman15, Ccpenguino23 violet9, tokio74, moon90,jimbob69 and Queen Susheee

Minions: H2

Doctor/Medic/Nurse: Music Maker

Allies: Leclercian's Ghoul and Ghost army

Sign up in a comment.

Or else we will find you.

I'm watching you.

Events Cancled

For the First Time ever I am cancling 2 events.

Here are the reasons:


The power began to fail throughout the day.

Wind was about 30 - 40 mph and gusts as high as 50 mph

Winds like that can knock down trees and power lines.

And that's exactly what they did.

At times the Wind seemed as a powerfull invisible fast moving wall of fury.

Knocking down anything in its way.

Trees, Power lines and even parts of houses littered the streets.

During 5:30pm - 6pm the power was out and I could not make it to the party.

I am deeply sorry but i cannot push it any further, for it would interact with my daily schuel.

I am sorry that I have cancelled these important events.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Today Events pushed

I cannot do today's events. I am extremely busy

The 2 major events will be pushed to October 25th. Still at the same time.


1. 3rd Annerversary Party/ Spoil Pink's Birthday Party

Server: Ice Box
Place: Tour of party
Time: 5:30pm cptz
Contest: Oldest Penguin and sillest dressed

2. Member Meeting

Place: Xat Chat box
Time: 6pm cptz

All Speek Site members must go!

Please tell people about this post.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Here is some of the news during the week that I have seen.

1. Color Game

I invented the game color game in February.

Now I find people playing it in the dock in huge crowds.

Even in some movies from Youtube.

Has my game become famous?

Or has someone else I never heard of, made the game before or after me?

Anyway the game has shaped club penguin into a new age.

The age of color fun!

2. Cart Surfer Contest

The cart surfer contest officialy ends at October 23rd at 5:30 pm cptz.

Get your higest Cart Surfer scores in to adamlurie@verizon.net. FAST!!!

3. Igloo Contest

I have been hyped up on the igloo contest all week.

I have thoughts on who the winners may be

1. Joycin123 - 40% - 60%
2. Joycin - 30% - 60%
3. Mew2 Viper2 - 30% - 50%
4. Pochoma123 - 40% - 50%

I am sorry if ur not in my top four but i am very tough when it comes to judging.

We will see the results October 23rd

4. Big Party

Do not forget we have a big party

Date: October 24th
Server: Ice Box
Place: Starts at Cove (tour of the island)
Time: 5:30 pm cptz
Contest: Oldest Penguin and Silliest Dressed.

Don't forget to come.

5. First Member Meeting

Member meetings will be very important

Date: October 24th
Time: 6pm cptz
Place: Xat Chat Box

If u miss them then ur membership will be ended

Please tell me ahead of time if your gonna miss the meetings

Tell me what u think about these events that happened and comming.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Cart Surfer contest

After several weeks of voting in polls.

Our #1 favorite game is Cart Surfer.

In honor of this favorite game.

I have planned a contest.

I would like to see a picture of your highest score on Cart Surfer.

The person with the highest score, will be named.

Best Cart Surfer.

This title comes with a certificate that will be signed by me.

To Enter.

Get a picture of your highest score possible.

Send it to adamlurie@verizon.net

If that cannot be done.

Post your image and let me know where u posted it.

Futher image delay

During the weekends I am very busy.

I might have to stop making the Global Warming images.

On Saturdays and Sundays I am moving non stop to get from place to place.

I am gonna try to do the polls.

Image Delay

I could not finish my global warming image for Saturday.

They do take very long to finish.

Although, I will make 2 today and post them around 4 - 7pm cptz

they can take up to 20 mintues at the least.

At the most would be a couple of hours.

I am sorry for the delay.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Hello I'm Canary

Hello my name is canary i am the new member on the site. i thought i should introduce myself so hi I'm canary the new guy.

10,000 hits Party Review

The 10,000 hits Party was great at first.

Part 1 (true party): There were about 5 to 8 people parting at once. I was recording.

Part 2 (bots): Then Bots came and runied the party. Bots were shaped in a plus sign.

Part 3 (attack of the bots: The bots started comming every now and again.
Disappearing and then Reappering.
They started attacking but then retreted.

Part 4 (Leaving): After the Bots kept on comming and leaving. We decieded to go to
the Cove. We stayed there for a couple of mintues.
We played Hide and Speek

Part 5 (New Place): We left the cove and went to the beach. Poeple started to leave.

Part 6 (End): The party ended around 6pm cptz

Here are a few High's and low's during the party.

Most people Partying: 8 people
Least people Partying: 3 people
Most people brought: 5 Canary
3 Rocketnuma

For bringing the most people to the party Canary's prize is: Member of Speek Site.

For bringing the second most people to the party Rocketnuma gets 5,000 coins

What I need:

Rocketnuma - I will need u to tell me your password so i can get u 5,000 coins.

That's all.

End of post.

My birthday!

Hey yall! My birthday is in 6 days! WooHoo!!! So on the day after (october 25th) I am gonna throw a party! I hope you can make it and please spread the word around! I might even record it! it will be at my igloo on fjord at about 3 PM cpst (if you wanna knwo what time in your zone, please comment saying so.) My igloo will be on the map. For more info. Please click here

Note: This a post by Spoil Pink. This does not mean that Speek is having a birthday party.

Friday, October 17, 2008

New Events planned

If u have noticed.

I have not been following what i have scheduled.

here is the new events that will happen.

October 18: 1. Party Review for 10,000 hits. Winner annoced.
2. New Image about global Warming.

October 19: New image about global Warming.

October 24: 1. 3rd annerversary party.
Server: Ice box
Place: Town, Book room, Night Club and other areas
Time: 5:30pm cptz
Contest: Oldest Penguin and Siliest dressed
2. Member meeting (meeting of members of the site)
Time: 6pm cptz
Place: Chat box
Events: 1. Discuss events during the week (CP and other).
2. Discuss what may happen in the future for cp or other
3. Choose what to announce in the post.

October 25: 1. Party review. Winners Annoced.
2. Membership meeting annoucements
3. New Image about Global Warming

October 26: New image about Global Warming

October 29: Buddy List movie posted on Youtube and on the site.

October 31: 1. Halloween party
Server: Ice Age
Place: Cove (Tour of the party)
Time: 5:30 pm cptz
Contest: Scariest looking penguin
2. Member meeting
Time: 6pm cptz
Place: Chat box
Events: 1. Discuss events during the week (CP and other).
2. Discuss what may happen in the future for cp or other
3. Choose what to announce in the post.

November 1: 1. Party review. Winner annouced
2. Member meeting annoucements.
3. New image about Global Warming

November 2: 1. New image about Global Warming
2. Joycin123 membership expires

That will be all.

P.S. the membership annocements is when all members get to add their part in the post.


We have decided.....

Lacario Con:....
Lady Maryann:......
Mew2 Viper2:.....
Spoil Pink:.....

Each Penguin will be allowed their own choice of color.

Please try to get it in that order please.

Also If u miss the first meeting then your hanging by a thread.

Unless u contact me and tell me that u cant come.

If u miss both the first and second meeting with out telling me then ur no longer a member.

Please come to these meetings there are very important!!!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Newest Image

I call it: Global Warming takes a toll on the Beach

do u like it?

Its part of the series called: Global Warming induced flood

other areas are: Ice berg and Cove

Please tell me what u think. Please

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Newest Image

I call it: Global warming takes a toll on the Cove.

By the way that was me in the image.

I left my name out by accident.

I dont really think its very good though.

what do u think?

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Newest Image

I call it: Global Warming Takes a toll on the Ice Berg.

I will making images like this in other areas on cp.

So stay tuned.

10,000 hits Party

As 10,000 hits nears.

I have had 27 unsuccesfull parties in a row.

Every Party since May had 0 - 5 people come.

If we get over 10 people at this party.

I will record, give out prizes and take pictures.

Here are the details:

Server: Icicle (first favorite server)
Place: Dock
Time: 5:30 pm cptz
Date: October 17th

Please come!

P.S. Keep on commenting I will have an award for most commenter for each week starting Sunday.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Site forcasts

Allright these are the site Forcasts

Owner: Double Fire
Name: doublefire super cheats
Site: doublefiresupercheats.wordpress.com
Number of views by December 2008: 800 - 1,2000

Owner: Lacario1995
Name: Lacario's and friends AWESOME and Crazy CP site
Site: www.lacario1995.blogspot.com
Number of views by December 2008: 3,000 - 3,500

Owner: Pmac
Name: Pmac Site
Site: mackinpenguin.wordpress.com
Number of views by December 2008: 8,000 - 10,000

Owner: Pochoma123
Name: Pochoma123's Awesome CP Cheats
Site: http://pochoma123cpcheats.wordpress.com
Number of views by December 2008: 5,000 - 7,000

Owner: Txmb95ads
Name: Txmb95ads' awesome cp cheats
Site: www.txmb95ads.wordpress.com
Number of views by December 2008: 750 - 900

Please comment to be in for forcast #2 comming October 17th.

If you have not commented please do.

You never know how many views your site can get.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Blog forcasts

I am gonna forcast for site again.

I am gonna forcast for December 31, 2008.

The forcasts are gonna be for views.

Please comment!!!!

I cannot stress it enough.

the comments are to let me know that you want me to forcast your site.

comments must have:

hi I am (your name)

I want you to forcast (your site's name)

here is the address (your site adress)

So far it has (your site views).

Please forcast it Speek


I make the forcast post October 10th

comment to let me know your site. ;-)

Thursday, October 2, 2008


Contests begins

1. Editted images of cp rooms

please submit your editted images of cp rooms.

So far submissions: 0

please e-mail me your images at adamlurie@verizon.net

You may have chance to win.

2. Scariest penguin costume

Submitting Begins: October 3rd
Submitting ends: October 10th

you gots pleaty of time


3rd place: Certificate that you are the third scariest peguin

2nd Place: Certifacate for 2nd place, picture on Speek's contest winners site (comming soon)

3rd Place: Certifacte for scariest penguin, picture on Speek's contest winners site (comming soon), huge party choosen by winner.

please submit you never know what you will win.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

New Contest

Today I have been thinking of new contests.

I have decided my newest contest will be a cp editing contest.

Who ever can make the coolest looking room on cp.

it can be the dojo with a bunch of other rooms added in.

or the ice berg.

any room on cp.

it can be a bunch of free items in boxes.

What ever your heart wants.

Submit your images to my e-mail which is adamlurie@verizon.net

I'll put a link on my site.

All submissions will be added to my site.

then all of the submissions will be put in a poll.

and each person will win an award.

here are the top 3 awards:

1st. Most creative person certificate, picture goes on the main site, member of my site and huge party for you.

2nd: 2nd most creative person certificate, picture goes on speek's funny pictures

3rd: 3rd most creative person certificate

Submisions begin October 1 - 5th please submit.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Events for October

Lets see the events for Cp, and This Site

October 1st: Site goes super spooky (change your chat box names to something scary

October 3rd: Send Your Scariest or coolest Penguin cotumes to my e-mail (adamlurie@verizon.net). The winner will be fetured peggy for October and your peguin costume will be on the site.

October 10th: Random Halloween Party, trick or treating, dancing and costume contest at with Brad.

October 17th: Random Hallween Party, trick or treating, dancing and carving pumpkins at Pochoma's igloo

October 18-20th: Search for scariest igloo

October 24th: Hallween Party, trick or treating, dancing and more.

- Friends for October for Speek video

October 25 - 30st: Contests each day and prizes.

October 31st: Trick or treating with Pochoma at all open igloos

Can't wait for October

can you?

Friday, September 26, 2008

Club Penguin artist

I was looking at the Cp Community page today.

and I found my artwork that I sbumitted!

I submitted it not too long ago.

Although my artistic ability has been not as good as it was before.

I still call it a master piece.

What do you think?

My new igloo

I finally made my new igloo!!!

do you like it?

please tell me if you like it.

I can change it too its up to you! (that rymes)

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Joycin123's igloo

Joycin123's igloo will change on September 26th!

there may be a last visit party on the 25th.

If there is one, here are the details

Server: Ice box
Place: My igloo (on the map)
Time: 5pm cptz
Date: Steptember 25th.

It will be the last time of the igloo, before the membership expires.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Blog Attention and more

Blog attention begins Today.

Try to visit illionese blog.

I am gonna put a picture of her blog and her status at the bottom of the page.

I will update it every 1 hour or so. Unless I have school.

Current amount of page views: 40

by tomorrow ends: 100 mabye more. i hope

First person to get her 100 by tomorrow report it back to here in a comment.

and you will earn a prize!



In other news:

Rate my penguin meeting never really happened.

I need help with getting it started.

volunteer picture mods - please choose one of the catorgies

igloos -
penguins -
parties -
cp edits -
funny pictures -
wars -
sites -

please tell me in a comment.

also I will need your e-mail unless i already got it

In some other news:

Fall Fair is comming back.

club penguin will probably bring back the items from the last one (hopefully not).

Although I really would hope that a new puffle will show up at the fall fair.

that would be awesome!

double cross your figers for it to come true.

Oh and also comment if you agree.

I like to read comments :P

Friday, September 19, 2008

#1 and 2 Speek Fan

Out of the servial weeks of polls we have found a winner.

Lets go over the background of the race:

#2 Speek Fan:

Illionese - a late entry to the contest given her an unsure chance for victory/ Even though she was added in the second poll she lasted strait to the finals.

Her prizes:


Membership to my blog:

I will need your e-mail so i can add you.

And Now the Moment you all been waiting for

The #1 Speek Fan is:

Lady Maryann!!!

Out of the serveral weeks Lady Maryann was in first place except for the first 2 polls.

Where she layed in 2nd and 3rd place waiting for her moment.

On the final few days of the polls she began to win big leaving everyone in the dust.(like she mostly does in every poll lol)

Her prizes:


Membership of the blog:

already membership prize alternitive loading.....

Choosen Prize

Huge Party for her:

The winner will get a huge party with their own schueling.

Just e-mail me the details and I will post them.

In other news: Blog attention begins Sunday.

First blog in focus will be: Ilionese's blog

Name: ****ilionese awesome blog****
Amount of Hits: 36
Address: http://ilioneseblog.blogspot.com/
Amount to get: 1,000
Raiting: 5/5 (I am a very hard judge)

In other News: Joycin123 will be changing his igloo September 21st.

Things to do: Take a picture, play the color game and party
When I am there: Play the color game with me, party and whatever else your heart desiers.

Reason: I want to make a few more really cool igloo's before my member ship expires.

Which will be: November 9th 2008

There may be a final member party with Joycin123 on November 8th but we will see.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


As another week of school moves on. I have been left with mountains of homework to accomplish.

I will begin Blog attention this Friday.

On friday there will also be my 9,000 hits party.


Date: September 19th
Server: Freezer
Place: Dock
Time: 5pm cptz

Plan: Send post cards - person who sends me my 100th post card earns Fetured Peggy for October.

Other prizes for getting my lucky and favorite numbers

As for now, I am not sure when Rate My Penguin will be finished.

I need to set up e-mails and new websites for catogories.

I need help!!!

My achievements:

I ran a race which was 2 miles.

I came in 3rd out of 300 other people!

I won an award!

me happy :P


Monday, September 15, 2008

Rate My Penguin pushed untill Friday

As some of you know that my computer died out on Friday.

My dad fixed it over the weekend.


I had no time to make the site Rate my Penguin and the sites to go with it.

I will be working on the site with my workers untill Friday.

I will be adding one more catorgy to the site before it begins.

The new Catorgy will be

Rate My Site!

I have made the site Rate My Penguin.

I need to make 6 other sites for each catorgory.

Then link up the e-mails for the moderating crew.

Finally I will start posting images hopefully untill Friday.

I will have a meeting on September 16th at my chat it will start at 8pm to 10pm.

It may end early due to School Night.

It may begin later due to Cross Country meet.

Unitll then I will be working my hardest for Rate My Penguin (Speek Style)

Saturday, September 13, 2008

9,000 hits party

As I near 9,000 hits I plan to have a party.

This is not any regualr party though.

There will be a contest within a party.

The contest is:

Fetured Penguin for October!


Here is how to win.

The first person to get me 50 post cards earns Fetured Site for October.

The First Person to get me 100 post cards earns Fetured Penguin for October.

There are some other prizes.

If you hit my lucky number(s).

You will earn secret prizes.

Results will come out after the party.

Party will be.

Date: September 19th
Server: Freezer
Place: Dock
Time: 5pm Cptz

I hope you all can make it.

Advertisement picture is:

Advertise it!

Have Fun!

Hope you see you September 19th!


ahhhh whats up, nuttin much. for awhile :(

New Events postponed

On Wednesday my computer died.

I have been on my mon's computer for the past days.

My Dad has been working on the compter to fix it.

So far the Events might have to be held up from as Early as Monday to as late as Friday.

The reason why i am post poning the events is because i cannot get any e-mail untill then.

Most likely I can Start the events Suday or Monday!

Do not forget There will be a featured penguin for October.

It depends on Who Comments the most.



(I like to read comments :P

Friday, September 12, 2008

Search for #1 Speek Fan

As we reach the final Leg for the number 1 Speek Fan.

We are now down to the top 2.

We have Found Speek's #3 fan!

His name is:


Lets see how brad had done in the contest:

Poll #1: Brad came out in First with a full 17 votes out of 20. (I think lol)

Poll #2: Brad's amamazing lead ended. Where he ended in Second just behind illionese.

He had 10 votes Illionese had 11 votes out of 20.

Poll #3: Top three finalest were left, Brad gotten 17 votes out of 30 votes (I think lol)

Now I present him with his prize.

Which is:

A Certific Certifying that he is My #3 fan which you can put on your site.

here is the Certific!

May the best Fan Win! :)

Rock 'till you Drop

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

another event

My site will host 2 great events

the first event will be:

Rate My Penguin will official begin September 15th.

As for the New Event!

Drumroll please.........

the new event is:


I will help blogs that has low page views.

To help the blogs get the page views they diserve.

Blogs with 1 - 999 views will recieve blog attention.

Of where we have conests for each blog.

1 week per blog.

Who ever earns the site of the week the most hits will win prizes.

Add your blog in a comment if you want.

There is no shame to add your blog


Hey Speek, Speek-to-me crew, Speek fans... I present to you.... Speek's page on the CPS Scrapbook! Come visit! :-D

P.S. click COME VISIT to go to his page ;-)

Sunday, September 7, 2008

New Rate My Penguin site idea

When Rate my Penguin fell many of the member's quit cp entirely.

Other's went on to blogging like me.

Us bloggers gotten BIG sites.

Became famous.

and have great parties.

Although us big bloggers miss the days of Rate My Penguin.

So i plan to follow my dream I had Last night to recreate Rate My Penguin.

Or at least something like it.

I need 4 jobs:

1. Person who creates catorgories for each picture.


Funny Pictures
Cp Edits

Catorgies should be linked in the main page of the site.

2. Advertising.

In order for our site to work we need Advertizers

3. Subiting images E-mail

We need an e-mail or e-mails for people to send the pictures to.

Each picture should be moderated.


No cursing
No inopropreate images
No copy writed images.

Then when moderating is done.

Send it to me and then I will add it to the site.

Give me the name and other info.


Name of Pic
Who from

and more.

4. Catorgies

We need someone to keep count of comments and images.

This may be all we need.

If turns out we get successfull.

Then maybe we can add profiles.

Untill then.

Lets stick to the easy stuff.

Comment to sign up on what you want to do.

Events For September

Here are the events for September.


Please comment!

September 11th: Memorial for 9/11

Server: Ground Zero (Sub Zero)
Time: 5:53 pm cptz
Place: Town
What to wear: A helmet (To remember the effort's to clean up)

Wear a sea shell neck lace if you lost a loved one

If you do not have the sea shell necklace wear a face item.

Change your color to Black (To remember how the sky looked)

wear what ever else your heart disiers.

Share your story if you went through the event or heard it from a loved one.

Type it in a comment.

It may ease your pain.

September 12th: 8,000 hits party.

Sever: Freezer
Place: Dock
Time: 5 cptz

10 or more guests to record and an award for each guest.

Please come.

The fait of Speek Parties depend on you.

September 11th: Find #3 Speek Fan.

Award: Certificate for your blog.

September 18th: Find #2 and #1 Speek Fan

second place award: Certificate and member to my blog

First Place award: Certificate, member to my blog and Their own Party hosted by Speek.

September 30th: Possible greatest Site in the world!

I will be needing your help to create a site like Rate My Penguin.

I will be needing lots of help to get this site started. Who wants to Join?

September ?: Adding 5th poll. Writer for the Fifth poll. will be found.

September ?: Fan's favorite cp game. Game will be added to the site by .swf links.

September ?: Vote for new igloo for Joycin123.

There may be more events.

This time comment to choose a new event.

Reason for less posts: SCHOOL!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Party Postphoned

I am relized that make a party on a school night will be a terrible day for a party.

So I choose a safer time.

Here are the safer details:

Date: September 12th
Time: 5pm cptz
Server: Freezer
Place: Dock

The party may be recorded.

I urge you to come.

My last few parties were not successes.

In fact.

My last few parties about 1 - 5 people came, Out of the 100 visitor i get daily.

Please I urge you to come.

If i get over 10 there will be a surprize prize for all guests.

To speek.

Hey Speek. I saw a bunch of certrificates on your blog and I thought it would be awesome if I made one for you as well! This site is great and I think it deserves it for being THE BEST BLOGSPOT SITE! Hope you like it!


Wednesday, September 3, 2008


I have been thinking of when the Ninja clothes will come back.

I have come up with that the Ninja Clothes will come out for the October Clothes Catolog as a costume for Halloween.

I hope I am right.

What do you think?

Monday, September 1, 2008

New Site

Speek, Lady Maryann and Jimy 0123.

3 blog Giants has Joined together to make one huge blog

Get Ready for the most awesome site

The site is called.


Copy and paste it to the address bar on top!

Please visit every visit counts.

When we reach 1,000 we will have a huge party!

Random Contest has closed

With this great Random Contest I had gotten of 300 comments.

Lets roll out the results

1. Pen Flippy with 170 comments = My Free Penguin!

2. Jimy 0123 with 62 comments = member of my site!

3. Brad 1072 with 50 comments = member of my site!

4. Illionese with 8 comments = Surprize prize

Here is what I need.

1. Pen Flippy - I need your e-mail address so i can give you the penguin. You can comment it here and i can delete it or tell me a chat box of where i can private message it to you.

2. Jimy 0123 - your allready a member of my site so your prize is something you chooose from 50 comments and under.

3. Brad 1072 - same thing goes for you as it does for flippy. I need your e-mail Address so i can invite you.

4. illionese - Your Suprize Prize is a big prize! Lol here is really is.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

8,000 hits Party

Dear Speek fans.

I am glad you are taking intrest in my site.


voting on polls, entering in contest, chatting on my chat box and watching Speek Tv movies.

I started this site not for the fame but for the shear enjoyment of meeting new people who enjoy the same things i do.

Now I am proud to say I am going to make a huge party.

Please tell as many people you like I depend on YOU to make this party huge.

If we have over 10 people there we will have a huge prize for all party guests.

Please tell as many as possible.


Server: Freezer
Date: September 7th
Place: Dock
Time: 7pm cptz

I hope you can plan ahead and get there on time.

The party will include many things.

for instance:

Color game
Sled Racing
Find Four
Hide and Speek

amd many more.

P.S. The random Contest will end on Monday!


whatever number you land on when the conest ends is the prize you get.

Hope to see many of you there.


Thursday, August 28, 2008


Hey its Speek Here.

I have made a random contest!

Contest is:

Commenting Contest!


150 comments: Free Penguin

100 comments Owner of my chat box

50 comments Member of my site

70 comments Fetured Penguin for September

70 comments Fetured Site for September.

10 comments 1,000 coins

20 comments Funny Picture for your Site (from my picture vault)

5 comments Suprise Prize!

80 comments In a Speek Tv Bloopers.

40 comments Speek Tv Penguins

I know they are kinda out of order but I did it to confuse you lol. ;)


now go comment!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Events Commming up

I have decided to plan out the events from now 'till to September 30th

August 27th: Official start for Advertising contest.

August 29th: Friends List for Speek for August.

September 1st: Labor day Party!

September 11th: 9/11 rememberence day.

September ?: Find out Speek #1 fan

September 23: Party

September 29: Friends List for Speek for September.

I hope you all are there

Monday, August 25, 2008

Official Speek Team

Here are the official Speek Team color, Head quaters and rally.

Color: Red
Head quakers: Ski Lodge Attic
Rally date: August 25th
Time: 7:15 pm cptz
Server: Freezer
Place: Ski Lodge Attic

I hope to see you all there.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Speeks Team

My team Color will be.


well you can tell me.

We will have to find a headquaters.

Please comment to choose.

Untill then.

Good luck to all in the events.



Wednesday, August 20, 2008

New Post

Let the events begin!

studio try outs and party # 2

im sorry i missed my own party i will have a make up one later. did any of you go any ways. well about my band i still dont know who to choose  theres so many of you so leave a comment if you are interested in joining. I need a bass player and a drum player. so far i think i am going to choose cg7mv7 and speek but we will just have to see. well pochoma made me a you tube account thanx pochoma. and speek got me the money i need to make a nice studio in my igloo thanx speek. well here is my you tube account if any of you want to subscribe http://www.youtube.com/user/AlHendrixExpierence.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Sign up post

Please choose your event of your choice by commenting in this specific post.

August 20th Super Event

This August 20th There will be 4 new events


1. Polls Return
2. New contest
3. Search for #1 fan of Speek site
4. Speek team for the Sports Party


1. Polls Return

The polls return with awesome questions

2. New Contest

Type of conetst: Advertising

Each person who adverstises about my site becomes and owner on my chat.

Prize: member of my site or 1,000 coins.

Contact me in a comment with the site addresses to find your advertisement

3. Seach for #1 fan of Speek site

Polls to find winner.

Each Participent is added.

Participent post will be August 18th.

4. Speek Team for the Sports Party

Sign up post on August 18th.

Sign up post will be later tonight

Speek's 7,000 hits party video problems

The 7,000 hits party videos took too long to upload.

I may make a new post with the videos but it wont be for a while.

To find pictures and reviews is at this link.


just copy the link and paste it on the address bar.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Studio try outs and party

I have won the member ship so as a promised I will throw a huge party, sorry the party is a little late but I want to do it before school starts for most of you. So how does Sunday sound? And it’s not just a normal party it’s going to be a studio party that means there’s going to be try outs for my new band. I need a bass player and a drummer player. The bass player must own the blue bass but the drummer can be a non member. But the most important job of them all is the publisher. I need some body to publish my vids on you tube when there done. Requirements to be my publisher you must have an e-mail account and be able to have a you tube account. And most importantly have spare time to help me. Rewards for being my publisher. I name my studio (my igloo) after you. And you don’t be in the actual vid but at the end of the vid it will mention your name (some times you may be in the vid). So any of the jobs are good. Leave a comment saying that you would like to try out. And if you would like to try out but you will miss the party then will plan some thing out. Remember every one who joins the band is 50% garneted. (Loll) 

Party details.

Date: this Sunday (if not able to go we will try to have a private party with you)

Server: Fjorge

Time: 11:00 cp time

Room: My igloo

Theme: music 

Try to spread my party around do post on it if you can. If I miss my own party I would fell so stupid but I will make a reschedule. So remember to have a great time at the music party. Remember to comment for the try outs. I may not need a publisher after all.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Last Party Changes

These party changes are final.

Date: August 16th
Time: 6 pm cptz
Server: Sleet
Place: Dock
Reason: 7,000 hits

Please comment to let me if you can or cannot come.

P.S. Please Spread the word for my party.

For Example:

1. type it in a comment
2. Post it for a site
3. Put it on a clock that counts down untill the party.
4. E-mail it
5. Make a video about it and then post it on youtube

and more, I think.

Anyway, This could be a contest but we may not have enough time.

Let me know wat you think

7,000 hits Party changes

these are the first changes to the party.


Date: August 15th
Time: 6 pm cptz
Server: Sleet
Place: Dock

Please tell me if this works for you guys

Changes end August 13th.

Monday, August 11, 2008

7,000 hits Party

I am surprized at how many hits i have gotten since i began blogging so I plan to have the biggest Party ever from this site

Here are the details

Date: August 15th
Server: Sleet
Time: 3pm cptz
Place: Dock

Please tell me if you can or cannot make it.

If you cannot I will try to change it.

Changes end on August 13th.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

My Vacation

My Vacation was awesome.

Let me tell you it day by day.

Unfortunately, the pictures have not been uploaded yet.

I will show them in a few days from Now

P.S. Time is in Eastern Standard Time

August 2nd, 2008 (Day 1) The Long Trip:

I woke up at 6:00 am excited and ready. My family and I left at 8:30 am to leave for Delaware. It was a long 5 hour drive, full of bathroom breaks, and eating breaks. When we arrived at the Beach House the regular ocean was replaced with a sand dune. Therefore we could not see the waves from the back Porch. Unlike we could before. Later that day my Aunt (Lisa), cousins (Seth, Zack and Megan) and Grandparents (Mac and Evie) came and the cousins and I played in the ocean for a couple hours. Cold may it be we got use to it. Overnight, I had no place to sleep my Parents shared a bed, my sister (Joycin) got a room with a TV all to her self! There were 3 rooms left over but they were more kid like then what I wanted. So I choose the couch in the Living Room.

August 3rd, 2008 (Day 2) Adjusting Time:

When I awoke my parents were yawning and very tired. They said that they did not sleep well. During Lunch Time the cousins came again to play cards and have fun in the water. My Aunt, my Dad and I played a few card games but my Aunt won. My Grandparents played a few more card games with me and I won. Then i played against my Cousins in a card game and I won again. Then at night I fell asleep.

August 4th, 2008 (Day 3) The leaving:

Around 8 or 9 am my dad and I rode our bikes to where my Aunt, Cousins and Grandparents were staying at. It was a 2 mile ride to there house, a 1 mile ride down to Ocean City, Maryland then a 3 mile ride back home. Altogether a 6 mile ride. Later that Day my Aunt, Cousins and Grandparents came over to visit. My older Cousins (Zack [15] and Megan [17]) brought over their friends. We had Pizza for dinner and then Megan and her friend left for college.

August 5th, 2008 (Day 4) The comming:

During the afther noon my Uncle (Dave)and Aunt (Gloria) cam. Then my other Uncle came. His name is Uncle Mark which is married to Aunt Lisa. Around 7pm, my Family, Aunt and I went on the board walk in Beathany Town to walk Lula (The Aunt's and Cousins' Dog). Lula barked at other dogs because she thinks that she is a human. During that walk we passed by a fake dog and Lula thought it was real. Lula tugged on the leash and growled at the fake dog untill she relized it was fake. It was very funny.

August 6th, 2008 (Day 5) The real comming:

Around 9 am my Dad, Aunt and Unlce and I rode 14 miles on our bikes. After that my Mom, Sister, Auna and Uncle made Tie Die shirts and Hats. It was cool when it was done. Then we went to the Board walk to go to Mangos (a resturant) to eat dinner. Then my Aunt and Uncle left becuase their bed was not good for them.

August 7th, 2008 (Day 6) The long bike ride:

Around 10 am my parents Sister and I left to go to a water park. The rides were fun and water was warm. There was a lazy river that went around the water park, a wave pool and 12 rides. After that we went to Dumzzers. During 5pm my parents went out for dinner and my sister and I stayed with my Aunt and Uncle's house. We played Card Games and the yougest cousin (Seth [12]) Brought over his friend named Zack and his Twin Carly. His mother and his older sister are from South Africa.

August 8th, 2008 (Day 7) The last day:

I woke up early and played on the beach. Then my Aunt, Uncle, Cousins, Cousin's friends and my Grand Parents. The waves were getting big and it was very windy. Chairs were blown down, Umbrella were getting lifted in the air and the sand was getting thrown at the beach gowers. Around 3pm Seth, Zack, Carly, my sister and I used a metal dector to find metal. We found odd objects, no one knew what it was. Then we played card games ate pizza and then Watched the Olympics.

August 9th, 2008 (Day 8) The leaving:

My sister and I were sad to leave but we had to. It was a 6 hour drive back. I sleep most of the way and when i was awake we watched Tv. When I got home my cats were happy for us to be back.

That was a my trip.

You like?

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Lady Maryann Super Sepcial Gift

Dear Lady Maryann,

Happy Birthday! Your site had done unexstrodenarely well in the past months.
Your site will still gain more hits as long as you keep at it.

Please put this on your site.

From Speek


Yup its official! YCP's First ever party is tomorrow! It will be a big event so dont miss it! If you could not read it correctly then here are the details below.






See ya guys there!


last chance too win

this time if i want to win and throw the big party. are only chance is to tell every one we can about it we only have a few more hours be for its over its not to late just do ever thing i taught you be for its too late and do this as a favor to me. plz plz plz. Go to http://club-penguin-crazy.blogspot.com/ and go to the left and vote jimy 0123. hurry now be for its to late.

I'm comming back

I am comming back from Delaware.

I will give you day by day detail for my vacation when i come back.

I hope for you to comment for a party when i come back.

I need 10 comments to get my party.

Which I will record.


Date: August 10th
Time: 3:00 pm cptz
Server: Husky
Place: joycin123 igloo.
Party Theme: Pirate
Reason: I am comming back

I hope to see you there.


more votes for jimy ahhhhhhh

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Fund Raiser for Jimy 0123 #3

OK i got 6 votes over night that's great. But i still am in 4th place. so just in case we need to lower the other penguins numbers. you do not have to lower the other numbers but plz vote for me at least. OK in order to do this you have to go to http://club-penguin-crazy.blogspot.com/ site go to the left and vote Jimy0123. try not to vote for Siubun, Straw000, or Chuckleloo. you can but if you do they will be even more in head of me. so try to vote for penguins with smaller numbers. because if you vote for them its obvious i wont win. if i win the contest then i will throw a huge party and for every person who votes for me will get one favor. and remember you can change your vote. it on the bottom it says change vote. Plz Plz Plz!!!

Fund Raiser for Jimy 0123 #2

well the first one i got know member ship. (sad) But this time theirs a contest and all you have to do is press a button for me. and i win 1 moth of member ship. for every person who votes for me. they get one favor personally for me. so plz help. me by going to http://club-penguin-crazy.blogspot.com/ here. when you get to the site go to the left of the site and vote Jimy 0123.that's all you have to do so hurry now the poll closes soon. plz plz plz plz

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

cach the mulet

How to catch the mullet in aqua grabber. I think its possible to catch it. and I'm one of the first people to know not even mimo777 knows it. well here how it goes its very difficult. i cant do it but I'm positive its possible. well any ways go to the soda sea and get as many barrels you can get then go to the left as possible and the plants now should let you in theres another barrel leave it there then on the top there is a pocket of air hit the roof of it 3 time then a worm will fall out then you have to pick up the worm and feed it to one of the small fish then you the small fish will fall asleep hurry and grab the small fish then feed it to the mullet then hurry and grab the mullet and drop it in your net. if any body is able to accomplish this and tell me how much money you get and send some pic i will publish them and you will get full credit
published by Jimy 0123 at 10:43 club penguin time August 6 2008.
you can publish this on your site but i need full credit as 1 of the top people to ever discover this.